* * *

"Sweetheart? Do you mind if we go to sleep now?" After close to an

hour spent trying to adjust his big frame to a tiny, leather loveseat, Ken

was ready to call it a night. Besides, nothing was more appealing than the

thought of curling up with her under the covers.

"Sure baby," she agreed, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hey, I'll meet you in there in a minute, ok? I just want to use the

guest bathroom first." He picked up his duffle bag from the floor and left

her to change in privacy.

Walking into her feminine bedroom accented with angels, roses and


mauve-colored verticals, Maddy smiled to herself. Here they were, grown

adults and in some ways, it felt like 1992 all over again. True, it was a

blissful miracle that everything still felt so vibrant, fresh and exhilarating

between them; it was just ironic that now that no one was watching-now

that the rules no longer applied, they were still tentative about certain


Maddy pulled open the bottom drawer in search of coordinating

pajamas. Unfortunately, her most desired choices had been relegated to

the bottom of her laundry pile. But when she spotted her green Eagles

sleepwear-long bottoms with matching logo tank top, she realized she

had a winner. If nothing else, it would make him laugh. And, truth be

told, her chest was looking more-well-robust, thanks to functional

training, which had built up her pec muscles. Yes it was an illusion, but

who cared? Ken loved her anyway and this time she was trusting in that.

* * *

"Comfortable sweetheart?" He settled in next to her and pulled her

close to him in the darkness, noting how the contours of her body

exquisitely aligned with his. Maddy felt safe and secure as she rested her

head on a fluffy pillow and savored the feel of his strong arms around her.

"Mmm-hmm," she whispered dramatically.



"Will you come with me to my parents' house for dinner tomorrow?

It's Mothers Day and I promised to go over and cook for her. I was going

to have them over to my new house, but not being sure if I'd actually

move in on time we decided to just have it there."

"Wow, I finally get to meet the parents!" she exclaimed. Then a

panicked thought occurred to her. "Oh Kenny, your mother must hate



"Oh my God, what does she know about me, besides the awful facts

that I stood you up for your cousin's wedding and a work party, and wrote

you a Dear John letter-ugh!"

"Madeline, are you crazy? Don't you think I've shared the whole story

with her? She knows everything, sweetheart. Especially the part about me

still loving you." With that he planted a few kisses on her neck.

"But still-"

"Shh! Madeline Rose, all is forgiven, remember? We were both wrong

and we admitted it. We've forgiven each other. It's over; the past is the past.

So let's not squander this incredible opportunity on regret, when we can

spend it celebrating, ok?"

"Ok. Kenny?"


"Thank you for forgiving me. And for being so understanding about

all the other stuff. I love you so much."

"And I love you, Maddy. Please, don't ever forget that."

They drifted off to a contented sleep, home at last.

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