* * *

"Madeline! How are you? I am so sorry to keep you waiting!" Maddy

looked up to see Isabella standing before her, impeccably dressed as

always in a beige suit with a red silk blouse. She quickly stood up to shake

the woman's extended hand.

"Hi Isabella! Don't worry; I took the day off to meet with you before

heading to the studio for show rehearsal."

"Oh that's right; your show is coming up! How exciting!" She ushered

Maddy into her sunny corner office, where they quickly segued into a

discussion about salary requirements, start dates and performance


expectations. A thrilled Maddy accepted her generous offer, a definite

improvement over her current paycheck. And while her goal of becoming

a paid writer still lived on in the secret chambers of her heart, financial

obligations and a stable work environment took precedence for now.

Once assured of the ability to pay her rent and save for a rainy day,

she'd tackle her larger objective in a series of small but critical steps.

Perhaps she could find a local publication in need of contributors; from

the moment she'd arrived in Florida, her hectic schedule had prevented

her from investigating that further. Hopefully now that things were settled

with her employment, she could focus on working towards her true career

aspirations. In the meantime, she'd give her very best to Isabella, a woman

for whom she harbored tremendous admiration and respect.

* * *

Maddy thrashed around the bed like a fish out of water, desperate to

fall back into a restful sleep, fully cognizant of the trying day ahead of her.

While it thrilled her beyond description to hand in her resignation to

Charlie Dowling, she shuddered to think of his reaction. Thank goodness

she'd never been forced to sign a non-compete forbidding her to work for

any other employment agency within 30 miles; otherwise she'd have been

forced to turn down Isabella's generous offer.

However, Charlie's wrath-an unpleasant byproduct of his excessive

ego-was something with which she was unfortunately well acquainted.

Thanks to right-to-work laws, Maddy was free to terminate their

employer-employee relationship and thus save her sanity; but it was a safe

bet that this despicable man would make every second of her resignation

miserable. Hopefully, he'd waive the customary two-week notice, in light

of the fact that she was a sales representative. Isabella had promised an

earlier start date, should that occur.

Suddenly, a knock on the door startled her. After throwing on a short robe, she

answered it to see Kenny's smiling face. "Can I come in Maddy?" he asked. "I really

have to talk to you!"

"Ken, come on now, you shouldn't be here!" she admonished him forcefully.

"Please, sweetheart? I have something really important to share with you!" His

sparkling blue eyes pleaded with her earnestly.

"Oh, ok," she agreed. "But please, make it quick; I have a busy day tomorrow."

He entered the living room and sat down on the couch before motioning for her to join

him. Against her better judgment, she sat down, tightening the belt of her robe as she

did so.

"Maddy I wanted you to be the first to know I broke off my engagement to Erin.

There was no way I could marry her when I am in love with someone else." Her heart

jumped to her throat as she struggled to digest this shocking but welcome news. For a

moment, she was speechless. That's when Ken took her hand in his and leaned in close

to her.

"I love you, Madeline Rose. You're the woman I want. No one else comes close to

you. Please forgive me for hurting you! I am so very sorry."

"Kenny, of course I forgive you," she cried, throwing her arms around him. "I love

you, too, so much!"

"Oh my God!" he laughed. "I am the luckiest man alive! And in the very near

future, I am going to make you my bride, just like I've always promised!"

"Oh, Kenny, I can't wait to be your wife," she sighed, before they melted into a

passionate kiss.The music blasted from the speakers of the nightstand alarm clock,

rudely awakening her from this very real and disturbing dream. As she

shot up in bed and silenced Vanessa Williams' song, The Sweetest Days,

Maddy took some deep breaths and wiped the tears from her eyes,

wondering when if ever, the torment would end.

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