* * *

Despite her lingering anger over being stood up, Madeline secretly

hoped the caller was Mark. And yet she was angry at herself for wishing

so. After Ken, she swore she'd never let another man make a fool of her

and here she was, frantically searching for a phone, negotiating her way

through throngs of weary shoppers under the blazing summer sun. At last

she spotted a phone booth in the distance. "Someday these will be all but

extinct," she thought. She did own a cell phone now, but in true fashion,

had left it at home, charging on the kitchen counter.

Madeline held the receiver to her ear and held her breath as it rang.


"Hello?" The female voice at the other end of the line sounded rather

annoyed. Madeline fought the urge to hang up.

"Uh, hello, my name is Madeline Rose and I just received a call from

someone at this number?" She cringed at her sudden timidity.

"You're who?" The stern voice demanded.

"I'm Madeline Rose," she repeated slowly, taking a deep breath. "I've

actually received three pages today from this number. Maybe it's a

mistake. I am sorry I bothered you."

"No, wait!" The voice softened a little. "I think you're the girl Mark

was trying to call. He's not here now but he'll be back soon."

"Oh, ok. Well, could you just tell him-"

"Here, I am going to put his daughter on the phone. You can give her

the message," the voice declared abruptly. Then Madeline heard her yell,


There was silence for a second, then a young girl's voice.

"Hello?" It was definitely a first for Madeline, speaking to a potential

boyfriend's child.

"Hi, this is Madeline," she responded warmly. "Could you just tell

your dad I am not at home right now, but I will be in about a half-hour?

He can call me then."

"Ok, he'll be back soon. He had to take my brother to a party."

"Great, well just let him know I did get his page and I'll be home

soon. He has my number."

"Ok, I'll tell him," she promised sweetly.

"Thanks Lindsey."

"You're welcome. Bye!"


Madeline hung up the phone and breathed deeply. So it had been

Mark trying to reach her!

"Hot date tonight?" a familiar male voice startled her. She spun

around to find Lloyd standing there, holding two plastic shopping bags.

"No, I don't," she replied indignantly. "At least not yet."

"So it was Mr. MIA calling?"

"Yes it was, but he wasn't there when I called back. I wonder what he


"My guess would be you."

"So what's in the bags?" she asked brightly, changing the subject.

"Just some shirts I got on sale. Nothing I can use in the show, but

good for work." He proudly removed his purchases from the plastic to

show her.

"Nice," she responded approvingly. "Where's Rebecca? I'm ready to

get out of this place. It's too hot to shop."

"She's coming. We're about ready for a swim in that pool of yours.

Besides, it's almost closing time."

Rebecca joined them momentarily and they returned to the car. As

they headed north again towards Boca, Madeline hid the excitement she

felt as she wondered what the evening would bring.

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