Rebecca, Lloyd and Madeline piled into Madeline's car and headed down Interstate 95 to the outdoor bazaar. After a long day of

rehearsal, they were anxious to find some costumes for their routines.

Rebecca sang along with the radio as she drove, while Lloyd and Madeline

sat back in their seats enjoying the rush of air from open windows.

Between the blasting music and the unrelenting wind, Madeline barely

heard the familiar jingle of her pager. She pulled it off her belt buckle, and

looked at the screen.

"Hmmm, I don't recognize that number," she said aloud, although no

one heard her. Rebecca, catching her in the rearview mirror, yelled above

the music.


"Who's paging you?"

"I don't know! I don't recognize the number!"

"Maybe it's the jerk from last weekend, calling to apologize!" she


"I doubt that very much," Madeline retorted skeptically. But on the

inside her heart inexplicably skipped a beat at the possibility. Even after

everything he'd done, she still felt a strange affinity for him.

They arrived at the Swap Shop and pulled into the parking lot near

the drive-in movie screens. Although it was nearly five o'clock, the place

was still packed with bargain-hunters and vendors. Young children ran

around the fairgrounds squealing while their parents searched for the best

buys under the outdoor tents. As the threesome scanned endless rows of

tables brimming with everything from signature perfumes to designer

sunglasses, Madeline felt overwhelmed. The early summer heat was

beginning to wear on her as she dutifully sorted through dresses with


"Hey what do you think of this little black one for my opening

number?" Rebecca asked, holding up a sequined mini-dress with a

plunging neckline. "You don't think it's too sexy, do you?" She pressed

the garment against her shapely body to get a rough idea of its


"No, I don't think so," Madeline replied, noting Rebecca's ample

figure with a twinge of jealousy. "You'll look stunning in that."

"Yeah, well I'll let you know how much of a stunner it is the morning

after," she laughingly replied. "With all of this rehearsing, Lloyd and I

haven't had much time or energy for each other."

"That should solve the problem!" Madeline remarked brightly,

wishing she had a husband at home to dress up for. Thoughts of Ken and

what might have been flashed through her mind, until another musical

page interrupted her musings.

"Ugh! Sometimes I just hate this stupid thing!" Madeline groaned,

pulling the unit from her purse. The same unfamiliar phone number

appeared again on the screen. She frowned, and then tossed the pager

back into her bag.

"Aren't you even a little curious to see who it is?" Rebecca asked.

"Someone is obviously hell-bent on getting in touch with you."

"Perhaps just a wrong number?" Madeline queried, noticing the

skepticism on her friend's face.

"C'mon, aren't you just a tiny bit curious to see if it is Mark?"

"No!" Madeline protested, unconvincingly.

"I don't believe you. He's all you've talked about for the past week

despite his lousy hit and run. Look at it this way, maybe the jerk is calling

to sincerely apologize and this could be your last big opportunity to let

him have it…or give him another chance."

"What?!! I am still so ticked off about last weekend! Why on earth

would I give him another chance to hurt me?"

She bristled as thoughts of Ken's engagement flooded her mind and

tortured her heart; Mark's canceling on her at the last minute had

reopened a wound that was barely beginning to heal.

"Beats me," Rebecca shrugged. "But I don't think your cheeks are

flushed because you are excited to be hanging out with me at the flea


"Oh, all right! I'll go find a phone and call!"

"Atta girl!" Rebecca cheered, turning her attention back to the black


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