“Yeah, same here.”

My mouth dropped open when I saw that look move across Dodge’s face. For one brief moment, he was interested in Sierra. He quickly recovered and said, “It’s good seeing you both. I’ve got a meeting I need to get to, see y’all later.”

I watched Sierra eye fuck the hell out of Dodge as he walked away. Dodge turned and gave a quick wave of his hand before walking out of Starbucks.

Sierra regained her composure, even though I’m almost positive she wiped a bit of drool from her mouth. Looking back at me, she smiled.

“Oh my gosh, you have the hots for Dodge!”

Sierra pulled her head back and gave a nervous laugh. “What?”

Pointing to her, I chuckled. “You practically undressed him as he walked out the door.”

Brushing me off with her hand, she rolled her eyes. “Bitch, please. I’m in the middle of a nasty breakup. The last thing I want is another guy in my life.”

Smiling until my cheeks hurt, I leaned in closer. “You know, Dodge is pretty good at making you forget things.” I winked at her as she rolled her eyes.

Sierra mumbled, “Yeah right. He’s done such a fabulous job with you.”

Leaning back in my chair, I shook my head. “I don’t count. I’m in love with Tristan. You can’t stand your ex.”


Jumping up and nearly knocking her chair over, Sierra pointed at me and jumped up and down while yelling out, “I knew it! I flippin’ knew it! Ha! I’m so damn good at this shit!”

Grabbing her and pulling her back into her seat, I put my finger up to my lips to hush her.

“Good lord, Sierra! Keep it down.” Looking around, I offered my apologies to everyone as they shook their heads in disbelief that anyone would have an outburst in their precious coffee shop.

Giggling like a schoolgirl, Sierra kept repeating. “I knew it! I so knew you were not over him.”

Then her smile dropped. “Shit. That must mean, Homerun isn’t that good with his bat.”

Narrowing my eyes at her I said, “Wait. What? You mean Dodge?”

“Yeah. Huh . . . his body screams good fuck.”

The table next to us started staring again. Jumping up, I grabbed my purse, coffee, and Sierra and began walking toward the door.

Once we got outside, I started walking away from Starbucks. I was never going to be able to show my face in that place again.

“You made it so I can never set foot in there again!” I called back over my shoulder.

Laughing, Sierra came up next to me. “Nonsense, they’ll get so buried in their work and forget anything that happened to them today.”

Smiling, I turned to Sierra. “He’s great in bed by the way.”

I could see out of the corner of my eye Sierra turn and look at me. “I figured he had to be if you’ve been hooking up with him so long. Then there was the unfortunate incident when I had to listen to how good he was.”

My mind went back to Tristan looking at the kitchen island. “Hey Sierra, can I ask you something?”

“Sure. Can’t say I’ll know the answer, but have at it.”

“Did you tell Tristan about overhearing me and Dodge . . . um . . . you know . . . that day in the kitchen?”

I stopped walking after she remained a little too quiet. “You did tell him!”

Stopping she turned to me and held up her hands. “No! I did not tell him.”

Giving her the same look my mother used to give me when she knew I was lying, I glared at her. “Sierra. You had to have told him. He knew.”

Confusion swept over Sierra’s face. “Wait. He talked to you about it?”

Turning my head to the side, I said, “No. When he brought me home he looked over into the kitchen and I could see it all over his face. He knew.” Slowly shaking my head I whispered, “You broke the girlfriend code.”

Dropping her mouth open, she snarled her upper lip. “Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. I would never break the girlfriend code. Well, I mean there may be situations where it calls for a time and place to break it, like if someone was about to get hurt or hurt themselves. Or if your friend had on an awful looking dress and you had to let her go out in it because . . .”

Placing my hands on my hips, I dragged in a frustrated breath. “Sierra!”

Sierra instantly stopped talking as she gave me a blank stare. “Right. What were we talking about again?”

Rolling my eyes as I tossed my hands up in the air. “Ohmygod! You telling Tristan that Dodge fucked me on the kitchen counter.”