“Darling, have you always been so outspoken?” the older woman asked Sierra. Smiling, I wondered what it was Sierra had said. Glancing over to Sierra, I raised my eyebrow at her.

Grinning a Cheshire cat smile, Sierra purred, “Yes. Yes, I have.”

The older woman and Sierra started laughing. My name was called out and I headed up to the counter as the older woman stood and excused herself. By the time I made it back to the table, Sierra sat back smiling at me like she didn’t have a care in the world. A small tinge of jealousy raced through my body as I thought back to Tristan telling me that he and Sierra had slept together.

Sitting, I began chewing on my lip. Sierra leaned forward and looked me in the eyes. “Tell me what’s on your mind, Ryn. I can see your mind is racing with stuff.”

Swallowing hard, I glanced down to my coffee before looking back up at Sierra. “I know I have no right asking this, and please set me straight if I’m overstepping my boundaries here . . .”

Placing her chin on top of her hands, Sierra said, “I feel a but coming on.”

My hands started sweating and my heart felt like it had begun racing a hundred miles an hour. Was I sure I wanted to ask Sierra about her and Tristan? Was I ready to hear her response? Why did I even care? I gave up on guys. I was taking a break. I didn’t need a man in my life.

What I did want was a friendship with Sierra and I knew this whole thing with Tristan was the reason I kept sending her calls to voicemail.

“Sierra, I’m really glad we met and I think that we could really be great friends.”

“I agree, Ryn.”

Blowing out a breath, I fell back in the chair. “Shit, I’m just going to come out and ask. Are you and Tristan together? What I mean is, are you dating each other?”


Sierra grinned. “No. We’re friends, Ryn. That’s all.”

I was on a roll now and apparently my mouth moved before my head thought about it. “Friends with benefits?”

Tilting her head and giving me a look, she asked, “You mean like you and Dodge?”

Ouch. I guess I deserved that one.

“I guess I deserved that one.”

Giving me a smirk, she winked. “No, Ryn. Tristan and I are not fuck buddies.” Looking away for a brief second, she looked back at me. “I’m not going to lie to you and say we haven’t hooked up because we have and it was fairly recently, but it meant nothing to either one of us.”

Feeling the burn in my eyes, I nodded as I turned away. “I know I have no right to be jealous, Sierra, believe me I know that. I can’t help it though. The idea of you and Tristan together . . .”

Sierra reached across the table and took my hand in her hand. “Ryn, please listen to what I’m about to say, okay?”

Nodding my head, I whispered, “Okay.”

“I hate to see you and Tristan pushing each other away because I know how you both feel about each other. With my own husband cheating on me, I totally get where you are coming from, Ryn. You don’t want to open yourself up to him hurting you again. But isn’t that what love is all about? Opening our hearts up and taking that leap of faith and not having a damn clue where we are going to land.”

Smiling, I agreed with Sierra. “Yes, but it is scary as hell taking that leap when you’ve already fallen hard once before, Sierra.”

Letting out a gruff laugh, Sierra said, “Girl, don’t I know. Believe me you . . . I know.” Chewing on her bottom lip, I knew she wanted to say more and was conflicted about if she should or not.

Clearing her throat, Sierra said, “Um, I know this is none of my business and Tristan would be really pissed with me even saying anything, but I have to. Ryn, there is a reason Tristan got spooked last year and pushed you away, and it has nothing to do with Liberty.”

Trying to keep my heart from pounding out of my chest, I slowly took a deep breath. Tristan got spooked? Opening my mouth to say something, I heard a familiar voice.

“Hey, Ryn, Sierra, how are you both doing?”

Glancing up, I saw Dodge standing there. Shit! Glancing back to Sierra, I had more questions for her.

Sierra looked toward Dodge and I couldn’t help but notice how her eyes lit up and the smile that spread across her face seemed to light up the area around her.

Oh. My. Gosh. Sierra likes Dodge!

“Oh, hey there, Dodge. Have you always come to this Starbucks?” Sierra asked. Looking back at Dodge, he smiled and nodded his head.

“Yes ma’am.”

Sierra leaned back and raised her eyebrows. “Huh. I can’t believe I’ve never seen you here before.”