'Jai. No meeting from tomorrow ' she pinged jai. 'Kyun. Kya hua?' Zia told him everything that had happened. 'I think mom will drop me to college from tomorrow. ' 'We will meet after she leaves. Big deal na jaan. Chill' jai said. 'No jai. Or driver ganesh would be keeping an eye on me.. atleast for few days we'll have to be extra cautions. ' 'It's ok dear. We'll find a way. Don't worry ya' 'H..mm. miss you jai. Love u so much.. ' 'Miss you too sweetheart '

Both of them chatted for sometime and slept early as zia was to tired for the day.

Next morning as zia got ready for college..her mom accompanied her to college. She felt asif she's a prisoner in jail. Reaching college zia looked around at the same place where jai and she met everyday.

Jai was standing at the corner. He looked at zia and acted like talking on phone.. so that her mom dosnt doubt. Zia turned around and bid a bye to her mom and started walking towards the college gate. She turned back to see if jai was still there. He was. But also was her mom, inside the car gazing at zia .

Zia quietly walked inside the gate and headed for college. Maybe her mom will go away in sometime.. but still zia feared to meet jai. Whatif her mom finds out. ? She feared what will happen if get parents learn about her relationship..

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