Tears started flowing from zia's eyes. She went inside her room and tugged her head inside the pillow and cried and cried. She'd given her best to the exams. But somehow couldn't clear. How will she explain this to het parents? They will not bother to know how many nights she'd spend without sleeping. They just want good result. How will dad react ? Zia was trembling with fear.

'Zia...come out.' it was her dad. Zia went in the hall 'sorry dad.. i...' 'Why are you late from college nowadays?? And you.. you are telling me now.. after the damage is done?? Are you capable of doing any work properly?' Her dad's face was red with anger as he pointed at zia's mom. And saying anything to save yourself would be of no use atall. Zia kept looking at the floor. 'But this girl had said she's at trupti's place for group study. Why should i doubt until this damn results ' Her mom defended. 'Call trupti.. now' dad comanded.. ' Her results are clearly telling that she was lying. What for to call someone.' Mom said. 'Whole day you sit at home and don't you even know what your daughter is doing? What kind of mother you are? ' 'Then what to do? Take a bag and go alongwith her to college?' Her mom bombarded. 'Yes. Go. From tomorrow you will be dropping and picking zia from college. I will keep my car and ganesh (their driver) here, he will take accompny you.. ' 'Dad that's so childish. Who's patents come to college to drop their kids dad? I said I'll take care this dosnt repeat next time. How hyper u guys are reacting?' 'Just shut up zia. No more discussions on this now' and her dad went out banging the door. Mom looked at zia and gave a disgusting look asif she's murdered someone. Zia sat on the couch helpless.. hoping that her dad takes back his words. But that was not happening, she knew him well.

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