"Aye," both answered at the same time.

"Then I suggest we find him and get married today afore anything can go wrong."

Kannak leaned around Stefan and looked at her mother. "I think he means all four o' us."

"I think he does too."

Macoran cleared his throat. "Make up yer mind, lass. I have waited long enough to call ye mine. Say it afore the priest gets away."


"Aye!" Jirvel shouted. She ran back to him, threw her arms around his neck and kissed his breath away. When they realized the crowd was cheering, both of them blushed.


For having no time to prepare, the weddings were a grand affair. Several of the women gathered flowers and made wreaths for Jirvel and Kannak's hair. As soon as they were changed into their better clothing and their hair was brushed, they donned the wreaths and came back to the courtyard where the priest, Stefan and Macoran waited. And just before he began, Macoran slipped another two coins in the priest's hand in hopes of a shortened ceremony. It did not matter, of course, the four of them were so blissfully happy they hardly heard the words anyway.

Their wedding feast was as tasty as the clan could manage on such short notice and served to the couples at the long table in Jirvel's new home. The singers came to sing, the flutist played a happy jig and when the feast was over and all of the others were gone, Macoran closed the door and the great hall finally got quiet.

Stefan kissed his wife and then stood up. He walked to Macoran's trophy wall, lovingly touched his father's shield and then took it down off the wall. Once too large for him to manage, he slipped his hand through the grip in the back and it fit perfectly. He had grown up and was no doubt every bit as big as the great commander of so many Viking ships.

"'Tis yer's if ye wish to have it," Macoran said behind him. "Was it yer father's?"

Both Jirvel and Kannak were shocked. "Ye knew?" they both asked at the same time.

Macoran rolled his eyes. "Did ye truly think ye could hide a Viking among us without my knowing?"

"Does everyone know?" asked Kannak.

"If not, they are daft. My guards did not see a lad his size pass onto our land from the north or from any other direction. But he was just a laddie so we let it pass."

Jirvel had not taken her eyes off of Stefan. "Be it yer father's shield, Stefan?"


"Then it belongs to ye," said Macoran.

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