Stefan laughed. "And to think I was a Viking once. Now I am afraid they will come back." He took her hand and started down the path. "I cannae wait to see Jirvel."

"Stefan, ye are dragging me again."

"Oh." He stopped, kissed her passionately and then slowed his pace. "Is she well?"

"She will be once she sees ye?" There were more shouts in the village and as they grew closer, they sounded more like a celebration than a battle.

Even Jirvel came out to see what all the commotion was. The people were dancing, shouting, clapping their hands loudly and she could make no sense of it. Before she could resist, Macoran suddenly grabbed her around the waist, kissed her breathless, lifted her up and carried her toward the courtyard.


"Put me down!"

"Not until we are married."

"Ye have gone daft, finally."

Macoran stopped and tried to kiss her again, but she refused. "Did I not say? Agnes has been set aside. Seems her sons are not mine."

Jirvel didn't believe him. "Put me down."

He did as she said, but he did not let go of her. "Marry me, Jirvel and make us both happy."

She realized everyone had abruptly gotten quiet and turned to see what the matter could be now. Just as they all were, she found herself staring at a Limond kilt. But when the man opened his arms to her, she finally recognized him and ran. "Stefan!"

Stefan wrapped his arms around her and began to swing her all the way around. Then he set her down and let her touch his face.

"I cannae believe it is truly ye. What a glorious day this be and I see ye have found Kannak. Good. I…" Tears came to her eyes and she hugged him again. "My son be home."

"And yer husband to be is waiting for an answer." Macoran folded his arms and began tapping his toe.

Jirvel turned to her daughter. "He claims he has set Agnes aside. Do ye believe him?"

"'Tis the first I heard o' it."

William took up a position next to his laird, "I am witness to it myself. She be gone and gone for good."

Conspiratorially, Jirvel leaned closer to her daughter. "Him I believe. Should I marry Macoran?"

"Aye," said Kannak, "but this time we should lock him away so he has no opportunity of changing his mind on yer wedding day."

Every eye was on them and everyone seemed to be leaning closer to hear what they were saying. Stefan put one arm around each woman. "Do the Marocans yet have a priest?"

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