Page 35 of chapter one part 7

Toby quickly sprang into action, as Lindsey’s brother Mike lie waiting at the base of the tree with his eyes as wide open as could possibly be. Lindsey never felt more afraid in her life. She stood in shock as her brother lie there waiting, and there was nothing she could do. All of the other kids were screaming in fear as they stood at the top of the hill. Toby looked over Mike as quickly as he could to make sure that there weren’t any serious injuries. As soon as he realized that it was just a few scrapes and bumps and bruises, he scooped Mike up and carried him back up the hill. Upon arriving to the top of the hill, Toby went over the rules again for the rest of the trip and warned the students that if there were any mishaps they would need to cut the trip short and head on back home. The rest of the hike was pretty quiet as everyone was still pretty much in shock over what had just happened. The group continued on the trail for about 10 more minutes when Toby advised that they would need to start heading back to the van as it was already beginning to get dark. As they were all heading back they began to get scared as they could hear the sound of dogs barking in the near distance. Toby explained to them that it was just coyotes and that they were a lot farther away than they seemed. Just coyotes? Lindsey thought. Thankfully the further they walked toward camp, the more distant the howling sounds became. Even though they had only been hiking for less than 2 hours, it seemed like a lot longer. The kids were getting pretty tired and couldn’t wait to get back to the van and eat their pre-packed lunches that their mother’s had prepared for them before they left. Mike was pretty weak from the fall and was struggling to keep up with the others. Eventually they made it back but by the time they made it back, some of the kids including Mike were too tired to eat and just fell asleep on the seat of the van. Lindsey watched her brother as he slept. She loved her brother with all her heart and was so worried about him that she could no longer enjoy the trip and just wanted to go home.

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