"You got it. How are you holding up?"

I brushed my hair behind my ear. "Stressing, but I'm okay."

She nodded and leaned back in her chair. "Don't stress too much, it'll work out."

"I hope so. It won't be much of a wedding without the bride, groom and maid of honor."

She chuckled. "No, it wouldn't be."

"Meeting in fifteen to discuss our findings," I said switching back on topic as a woman from IT, walked by. Amy nodded.

I walked over and sat down at my desk. I opened up a socket as I pulled up the databases and typed in Christopher Landow. As the computer ran the name through the databases: terrorist and criminal, I made a quick call.

Two rings and then Melissa answered: "Hello?"

"Hey, sis. I need a favor."

"What's up?"


"Keith and I are working late so I need you to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow. We may not be there till the last moment."

"Okay, I'll take care of it. Don't worry, Mom and Bridget have planned and prepared so there isn't much left to do."

"Thanks, Mel. I've got to go."

"No problem, talk to you later."

I hung up the phone as Christopher Landow's photo, file, and fingerprints appeared on screen. I printed up the information and rushed to the Conference Room.

James, Amy, and Keith walked in. Keith sat beside me and under the table he slipped me a piece of paper.

"All right. Let's begin shall we?"

Wondering what he was up to, I carefully unfolded the paper. Keith watched as I read it: Takeout and a night in? I bit my lip to keep from smiling and nodded subtly.

"Amy what did you find?" James asked.

He bumped my knee in acknowledgment and I again bit my lip to keep from smiling. I pressed my lips firmly together and turned my attention back to Amy.

Amy folded her hands and placed them on the table. "What Michael said is true. He owes $50,000 to a loan shark. A few calls on his phone traced back to a loan shark in Las Vegas. I also traced a number back to Landow, three weeks ago was when the first call was received. Last night around seven pm was the last call. It matches up with what the gardener said."

"Good, Amanda what did you find?"

Carefully slipping the note under the file, I shuffled the papers and read off the important info. "Landow is ex military, he was dishonorably discharged. After leaving the army, he couldn't find a job, turned to a life of crime, was caught transporting stolen goods and sent to prison for five years. He got out and hasn't had a job since then. So, either he's a criminal or possibly a mercenary for hire which would make sense with his training as a sniper."

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