I sucked his tongue into my mouth, keeping it hostage as I got my fill of him. But it was a mistake. I didn’t think I could ever get enough of this man’s taste. I barely noticed when his fingers pulled down the straps of my bra I was so lost in our kiss. Cool air caressed my already hard nipples as they were exposed, making them throb as his chest pressed into mine. I let my fingernails rake over his smooth head, loving the feel of his soft skin under my fingertips.

“Did I ever tell you that bald guys are my kryptonite?” I breathed against his ear while he trailed kisses down my neck.

I felt him grin against my collar bone. “No… Did I ever tell you that you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen?” He raised his head, the smile gone. “Because you are, Layla.”

My heart melted, turned to goo in my chest as I looked up at him through my lashes. “I didn’t take you as the romantic type, rock star.”

“There’s a first time for everything, baby.” He winked as he reached behind me and undid my bra with barely any movement of his fingers.

The cups of my bra fell forward, leaving me naked from the waist up. His already dark eyes turned almost black as he took in the little hoops through each of my nipples. “Fuck, that’s hot,” he muttered.

When he just continued to stare down at me, eating up the sight of my breasts while I ached for his touch, I cupped one of my breast in my hand. My fingers tugged on the little silver hoop, and I cried out in pleasure. “Touch me, Jesse,” I whimpered as I cupped my other breast, offering it up to him.

But he shook his head. “I’m about to come in my jeans, sweetheart. If I touch you I’m going to seriously embarrass myself.”

His honesty was my undoing. I reached between us and carefully undid his top button and unzipped his fly. “Layla…” He started to protest but I leaned forward and brushed a quick, soft kiss across his lips.

“Let me take care of you,” I whispered against his lips before pulling back. He was tense, but he let me press him back onto the mattress. He lifted his hips as I tugged at his jeans and didn’t hesitate when I pulled off his socks.

When he was completely naked, laid bare before me, I had to stop for a moment and take in the glorious sight that was Jesse Thornton. His eyes, still able to fascinate me with their ever changing colors, were even darker now and I wondered how dark they would be when he came for me. There was a tattoo on his left peck, just a small one right over his heart. I hadn’t given it much thought before but now that I could inspect it I saw that it said ‘Emmie’ in delicate cursive. “She is one special girl,” I whispered as I dropped a kiss over the name.


“She’s the first girl to ever love me unconditionally.” Jesse told me, as if he was explaining something important to me.

“Then she’s the smartest girl I’ve ever met.” As soon as the words left my mouth I bit my lip. I needed to shut up, and now. I was feeling way too emotional about this man, and I needed to get away from all the softer feelings I was having. Time to get this back to what it really was.

My gaze quickly moved from his chest, down that hard angled stomach and finally lower…

“Fuck!” I couldn’t help but exclaim when I saw his dick for the first time. I had been keeping my eyes from that part of his body on purpose until now, but I wished I had looked there first.

Never had I thought of the male genitalia as beautiful before, but this man was perfection. It lifted from his groin proudly, and I had to ball my hands into fists to keep from reaching out to touch it instantly. He was long, longer than I have ever seen, and thick. I doubted both my hands would completely circle his engorged shaft. For just a second I was nervous, because I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy to take him the first time.

As I continued to look down at his cock, with the bulging veins and mushroomed head, a tear leaked from the tip. I was unable to continue to sit there and not touch him. I grasped the base with both hands. It was silk poured over hot steel. I stroked my hands up until more of his pre-cum leaked from the tip and lowered my head to lick away the evidence of his need for me.

Jesse tensed even more under me. His hands clenching in the comforter under him. “You’re fucking killing me!” he cried out.

I felt powerful. This man, who had been with countless other women, was mine right now. I held the key to his pleasure, at least for the moment, and I was going to wield my power to its full potential.

My tongue swirled around the head. Once. Twice. The third time I took him as far as I could into my mouth and whimpered as he hit the back of my throat. His taste burst on my tongue making me moan at the delicious musky flavor. His wide girth stretched my mouth, and I had to take a second to get the rhythm perfect so that I would be able to breathe through my nose.

Jesse’s fingers tangled in my hair, tugging at the roots while he cursed. “I fucking love your mouth!” he cried out. I looked up at him through my lashes on each upward movement. He held my hair to the side so that he could watch.

“Do you like sucking my dick, Layla?” he demanded.

I moaned my answer, the vibrations from the small noise making his eyes roll back in his head. I cupped his balls, tugging on them gently to extend the pleasure, keeping him from coming when I felt them tighten up. I took him deeper, his head going down the back of my throat with each thrust into my mouth. Still I wasn’t taking all of him and I used my free hand to stroke him.

“Fuck!” he roared and I felt the first jet of semen as it gushed down my throat. I gripped his dick with both hands, stroking him through his orgasm while I swallowed every drop of his hot come. “Oh, fuck!” he cried again and tried to tug my head away, but I was greedy and wanted ever last drop he could give me.

When I had swallowed the last of it, I still sucked on him. He hadn’t gotten soft and I thrilled at his ability to go again.

“Enough!” He pulled me away, and I fell onto the bed beside of him, reaching for my belt.

I kicked the boots off, and they went flying across the room somewhere. When the belt was undone, I shimmed out of the jeans, taking the panties with them. I was soaking wet. The scent of my arousal hitting me as soon as my pants were down. Jesse groaned, turning onto his side and propping his head in his hand so he could look down at me.

“You smell amazing.” He growled, his free hand cupping my pussy. His thumb skimmed across my clit. “You’re dripping for me.”

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