The band was playing a slower song now, and I snuggled closer to him. His hand slipped over my hip and stayed there while his fingers beat a soft rhythm along to the music. Jesse’s lips were close to my ear, and I could hear him humming along to the song. I was content to stand there in his strong arms while we drank our beers. It felt good… It felt right.

When his beer was gone, he pulled me in front of him, so that my back was to his chest. Those muscled arms of his wrapped around my waist, and I turned my head to smile at him over my shoulder when I felt his erection twitching against my ass. He buried his nose in my hair, and I pulled it over my right shoulder so that he could kiss my neck instead.

His tongue skimmed over my exposed flesh, causing goose flesh to rise and me to shiver. “Jesse.” I sighed and pressed my rear into him.

“Can we get out of here?” He breathed against the shell of my ear.

I pouted up at him. “I don’t want to go home.” I wasn’t ready to tell him goodnight. I wanted… Fuck, I wanted so many things! We could none of them do if he took me home. There was no way I was having sex with him in the guest house, not when my sisters were there, and I didn’t think I could look at myself in the morning if he took me in to the beach house. I didn’t want everyone to know what I sounded like when I was coming apart for this man.

A wicked, hot tongue slipped inside my ear and I nearly came then and there. “Not going home tonight, baby. Will you come with me?”

I had no choice. I wanted—shit, I needed this man! Unable to speak I was so messed up from that kiss to my ear, I simply nodded. His arms tightened around me for a moment before he released me and entwined our fingers. “You won’t regret it.” He pressed a kiss to my neck then pulled me toward the exit just a few feet away.

The bouncer at the door nodded his head at Jesse as we went out the door, and Jesse was already pulling out his keys to the SUV. I practically ran to keep up with his bigger steps. The air was cooler than when we had first arrived, but I was so hot for him that I barely felt the bit of the late night air. When we reached the SUV, he opened my door and lifted me into the Escalade. His hands lingered on my hips a moment longer than necessary before he stepped back and shut the door.

When he was behind the wheel he didn’t, hesitate to pull out into traffic and head for Beverly Hills instead of Malibu. I didn’t question where we were going. Neither of us spoke as he reached for my hand and entwined our fingers while he drove through the darkened streets of LA. That contact alone kept me on the edge of a complete melt down. My panties were drenched. My nipple rings rubbed against the material of my bra, keeping me close to an almost panting state. If I crossed my legs just right, I would have come without his ever having to touch me.

Sometime later, he pulled up in front of a gated mansion and punched in a code that had the gates opening automatically. Moments later, he was parked in front of a house ten times bigger than the beach house. I frowned up at the monstrous sized house. “Jesse, who lives here?”

“A friend of mine. He’s out of the country right now.” He reached for me, his fingers tangling in my hair as he pulled me close. “I want to make love to you, Layla. Not in some hotel room…and not in my room at the beach house. Not this first time.” His lips grazed across mine tenderly. “Say no and I will take you home. It’s your choice…but I’m praying that you won’t say no.”


He knew what my answer was. He had known it on Tuesday when he asked me out for tonight. I wanted him too much to say no. “Your friend won’t mind us being here while he’s gone?”

“No. I’ve never done this before, but I’ve always had an open invitation. Tom is cool with it.” He pulled the keys from the ignition and lifted a key from it that had a skull on the base. “When we first got to LA more than ten years ago, we stayed with Tom for a while. He’s like the dad none of us ever had, but don’t ever tell him that. He has this thing about being called dad.”

I grinned at him. “My lips are sealed.” He dropped a quick, hard kiss on my lips and then got out. Before I could even think to follow him, he was around the hood and opening my door. Jesse pulled me out, and we practically ran up the steps to the house.

He fumbled with the lock for a minute before it unlocked. It was dark inside, but Jesse seemed to know the layout of the place well because he didn’t even bother to turn on a light as he shut the door behind us, made sure it was locked, and pulled me toward the stairs. “No one’s here,” he told me. “No even the housekeeper. When Tom’s overseas, he gives her paid vacations. She’s the happiest housekeeper in the state. Don’t tell Em I told you that.”

I laughed. “It’s alright. I’m sure that in a few minutes I’ll be the happiest housekeeper in the state.”

“Oh, fuck yeah.” He stopped halfway up the stairs and pressed me against the wall. His dick flexed against me. “I can promise you that much, baby.”

With trembling fingers I pushed him away. “We need a bed, Jesse. Right now.”

His eyes turned dark and animalistic. He growled low in his throat as he lifted me over his shoulder. I screamed, laughing as he carried me fireman style up the rest of the stairs and down a long hallway. At the end of the hall he opened a door, and moments later I was flying as he tossed me into the middle of a king sized bed. A small lamp came on beside of the bed, and I didn’t bother to look around the room as he practically tore his shirt off and crawled toward me.

In the dim lighting, he looked more animal than man, and it was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. His muscles flexed with every move he made toward me, and I found myself panting with desperate need for him. “I’ve never been this turned on in my life,” I told him quietly. “And you haven’t even touched me yet.”

He stopped when he was between my spread thighs. “I’m pretty far gone, Layla. The first time might not be perfect. But I swear to God, I’ll make it up to you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Baby, you could breathe on my clit and I would come right now. Don’t worry about me.” I sat up and pulled my top over my head. He sucked in a loud breath when he saw my zebra print bra and the way my nipples pressed against it. When I reached my arms behind me to undo the clasp, he stopped me.

“Let me.” Instead of reaching for my bra, he lowered his head and kissed me. He tasted of the beer we had drank before leaving the bar, but I could still taste the powerfully addictive taste that was completely Jesse underneath. Any buzz I had had early had disappeared on the drive here, but with that innocent taste of him, I was drunk on Jesse.

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