“Life is so crazy right now, Nik,” she murmured, biting into that lip in a way that made me want to lick away the sting she was causing it. “Between Demon’s Wings and OtherWorld, plus taking care of Mia… How will I have time for another baby?”

“By accepting help when you need it.” I stroked my hand over her naked back. “I told Natalie to find you a few assistants.” Her eyes got so big that they nearly bugged out of her pretty head and I couldn’t help but chuckle. “She’s going to hire several and you can get rid of the ones who don’t work out, okay? And I think we need a nanny…”

“No! No way. I’m Mia’s mother. I take care of her. Not some stranger.” She tried to pull away, but I tightened my arms around her. “Nik, I can’t have some stranger raising our baby.”

“Babies,” I corrected, letting my hand skim over her breast and down her abdomen to rest low where our child was even now growing inside of her. New tears filled her eyes and I sighed. “Emmie, a nanny won’t be raising our children. You and I will be doing that. The nanny will just be there to assist when you are busy. She can live in the guest house, that way we have the house to ourselves at night. And we can get someone with a degree or some shit like that. Like an ex-teacher or something. I don’t know, but someone who will be able to help the kids with school and crap. That shit will come in handy when they get older and we’re touring all the time. Mia and this baby won’t fall behind from all the traveling we will be doing.”

She rested her head on my chest, but didn’t say anything. I was sure that she was going to veto the need for a nanny and I was already working on a good argument to convince her otherwise when she finally nodded. “You’re right. Someone with an early childhood degree will be good. But not someone who is some stick-in-the-mud. No old biddy, schoolmarm. I’ll look into it.”

A relieved breath rushed out of me. “I can’t believe you gave in on that so easily.”

She raised her head and I saw a small smile teasing at the corners of that kiss-me mouth of hers. “You don’t have bad ideas all the time, babe. This is one of those times. Thanks for helping me.”

I grinned and kissed her lips quick and hard. “So…we’re having another baby.”

Her eyes were darkened again but I could see the acceptance in the green depths now, and her hand covered mine on her lower stomach. “Yeah. We’re having another baby.”

“We’ll stop at two,” I promised her and she let out a relieved sigh. “Two is the perfect number. Especially if this turns out to be a girl. I don’t think I could handle more than three of you running around at the same time.”

“I want a boy,” she murmured, her fingers caressing her skin now. “And I want to call him Jagger.”


My eyes widened. “Jagger?”

Emmie nodded, a full-on smile crossing her face and lighting up her eyes. “Yes. It’s going to be a boy and we are calling him Jagger.”

I threw my head back, laughing so hard it came from my soul. Stubborn, beautiful Emmie. I knew she would end up getting her way. “So, this time we have a name before we have a baby. I can work with that.” Lifting her until her stomach met my lips I kissed where the baby was. “You hear that, Jagger? Mommy says you’re a boy. Better make sure she gets what she wants, buddy.”



Long, cinnamon-colored hair was spread across my waist. Warm, soft fingers stroking over my dick in a way that only she knew would make me beg. I clenched my jaw to keep from yelling her name. Lucy and Mia were sleeping and I didn’t want to wake either of them up. Every muscle in my body was shaking, ready to let go and come in that sinful mouth that I loved nearly as much as the woman it belonged to.

Her giggle vibrated around my dick and I choked back another groan. “Hush,” she whispered, lifting her head long enough to scold me. “I’m having fun, Jesse.”

“You’re killing me here, baby,” I gritted out as her hand kept stroking me even as she looked up at me through those thick lashes. “Please, Layla. At least let me touch you.”

She pouted, sticking that bottom lip out in way that made me want to devour that beautiful mouth. “But I can’t enjoy your pleasure as much when you make me so mindless. Let me get you off and then you can do whatever you want… Whatever you want, babe.”

Her head lowered again and the first flick of her tongue over my engorged tip had me gripping the sheets underneath me to keep from tangling my hands in that glorious hair. Fuck! I wanted to be buried deep inside of her. Wanted to be driving us both crazy as I pounded toward release. But my babies were making that impossible lately. There wasn’t enough room in there for the twins and my cock too. The last time I had been inside my wife she had been uncomfortable for two days and the doctor had suggested that we forgo sex for the next few months.

No sex. That didn’t mean I couldn’t eat my favorite flavor of pussy every night for a midnight snack. Which I did. Morning. Noon. Night. Layla was needy all day long. I was having trouble deciding what I was enjoying more about this pregnancy. The bigger tits that Layla now had. The more rounded, curvy body that gave me more to hold onto. Or the hormones that made her near insatiable with wanting me.

Layla twisted her wrist as she stroked me and did something with her tongue that had me grabbing the pillow beside my head and covering my face to muffle my sudden growl as my release consumed me. She swallowed every drop, licking the tip clean. Then she was lying with her head on my chest, her ever-growing belly pressed against my side and I could feel them dancing inside of her.

I pulled her close, kissing the top of her head as I tried to catch my breath. “I love you.”

“Love you more,” she murmured, sounding sleepy.

“Don’t you dare fall asleep!” I flipped her onto her back, pushing pillows behind her to make her comfortable. She grinned up at me but her eyes were still at half-mast. “I’m going to suck on that pretty little clit until you can’t stand it anymore and beg for my fingers. When you come, and the sheets are soaked with your orgasm, then you can sleep.”

“Yes, Big Daddy,” she murmured with a giggle.

The giggle quickly turned into a moan as I tore her cotton panties off and spread her thighs wide. I leaned back on my knees as I took all of her in. Her bra pushed her tits up high, making me ache to play with them all night long. Her stomach was distended, the outline of a foot or maybe a hand from one of our babies quivering underneath. Her belly button was pushed out, and I had never known that that was something that would be sexy. But it sure fucking was.

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