You would have thought that a mother would be proud of her daughter for working hard in a respected career. Not my mother. She hated the thought of me being around sick people all day, every day. Not even the thought of my possibly finding a doctor to marry had pleased her. Doctors made good money, sure. But then again, so did my father who was a big shot cattle baron in Texas. Money wasn’t what my mother cared about—not the most.

It was the fame. The popularity. My mom wanted to be famous by association.

I could have given her that, by being with Axton. Only Ax wasn’t the right type of famous for her. He was only known as the rock god from OtherWorld. She didn’t think he would be able to keep up the fame once he was older, and that just wouldn’t do for my dear mother.

When my steak was gone I licked my fingers and picked up the glass of sweet tea. After a small sip I realized that no one knew how to order it right, or maybe Californians just didn’t know how to fix good tea. “This shit sucks.” I put it down and reached for Linc’s Diet Coke.

Stomach full, I sat back and took inventory of the room. The two kids were missing and so were Emmie and Nik. “Where’s the redhead?” I loved that bitch!

Layla sighed. “She isn’t feeling well…”

“It’s a bug,” Lana told me, wiping her mouth with a napkin. “I don’t think she will be going out with you guys tonight.”

“Well, hell.” I had been looking forward to spending time with Emmie nearly as much as I had Harper. “Should I check on her? If she’s sick maybe I can help?”

Natalie and Layla shared a look that I didn’t miss before Natalie shook her head. Something was going on. “Nah, I think she’s good for now. Maybe if she’s still not better in the morning you could talk to her.”

Everyone was just finishing up their meal when Nik appeared, looking stressed. “Anyone want to tell me why she’s been crying? She won’t talk to me.”

Layla and Natalie shared another look then shook their heads after coming to some kind of silent agreement. “Nope. No idea,” Layla told him, offering a small convincing smile. “She’s just exhausted, Nik. Between Mia being sick last week, the wedding, this trip and adding to her work load she is dragging. Natalie helps her, but Emmie needs at least one more assistant. At least one more. Make it happen.”


Nik grimaced. “How am I supposed to do that? She’s so stubborn…”

Natalie shrugged. “I know what she needs in an assistant. I could find her a few. Let her weed out the ones she doesn’t think will suit her. But I’ll need your okay before I can do that. Or she’ll have my ass in a sling aimed for New York before I’ve even made a phone call.”

I watched as Nik shared a look with Jesse. They seemed to have their own private conversation with that look alone. Jesse was the patriarch of the family if there was one. The father figure that they all seemed to need, Emmie especially. After a moment Nik finally nodded. “Take care of it, Nat. ASAP.”

Chapter 3


Emmie wasn’t talking to me. Instead she was dozing, and waking up to cry, only to fall back to sleep almost immediately.

After three hours of it I was holding onto my sanity by my fingernails and quickly losing my grip. Muttering a curse under my breath I went into our bathroom and started filling up the tub. If she wasn’t going to talk to me—tell me what was wrong and how I could fix it—then I would at least make her comfortable.

Layla and Natalie were right. Emmie had worked herself into exhaustion. I was pissed at myself for not seeing it before now. For ignoring the signs and letting her continue like she had been for so long. I was supposed to be taking care of my wife and I had only let her make herself sick. Of course, Emmie had been working this hard since nearly the time she was fifteen, and I was so used to her stubbornness that I hadn’t wanted to get in her way and get on her bad side. But this shit was ridiculous and starting right this minute I was going to fix it.

Once the water was the right temperature I filled it with the lavender and honey scented bubble bath that the hotel had provided and let the water and bubbles rise. Then I went back into our bedroom and lifted my half-asleep wife. There were dried tears on her cheeks, and lines on her face from the trail they had traveled. I pressed my lips to her temple and carefully undressed her.

My body reacted instantly to the sight of a naked Emmie leaning against me weakly. I couldn’t resist letting my hands caress her full breasts and perfect ass before lifting her and placing her in the bathtub. She didn’t say a word as I dropped down on my knees beside her and started washing her with the loofa.

“I love you, Em,” I whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Whatever’s bothering you, we can work through it. Okay? We can rule the world as long as we work together, baby.”

Her chin trembled and another tear fell from those eyes that never failed to mesmerize me. “I’m scared, Nik,” she whispered.

I dropped the loofa and cupped her face in my soapy hands. “Of what, sweetheart? Tell me what’s going through that beautiful head of yours. I bet I can help you if you would just talk to me.”

She pressed her cheek into my left hand, obviously seeking comfort. “We’ve discussed having another baby. I want one, really I do… But I thought we had more time…”

Everything inside of me stilled. I was sure that my heart had actually stopped. The air in my chest seemed to rush out and I was left panting as I looked down into those big, green eyes. “Are you telling me that you’re pregnant, Em?”

Another tear spilled free and she nodded. “Pretty sure of it, at least.”

“Fuck.” The grin that spread across my face was involuntary. “Fuck, that’s… perfect.” I pulled her out of the tub and onto my lap. Not caring that she was soaking wet or that she had girly-smelling bubbles all over her. It didn’t matter that I had just flooded the bathroom in my rush to get her into my arms. Nothing. Fucking. Mattered. Except having her in my arms and kissing the breath out of her.

The feel of her trembling was what stopped me from taking her then and there. I lifted my head, my heart pounding so hard that my chest was shaking. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re happy about this? Really happy?”

I lifted a brow at her. “Of course I’m happy about this. I want another baby. Another clone that looks and acts just like you running around would make my life even more complete than it already is, baby girl.” But I could see in her eyes that she was still struggling with the news.

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