But they could. Without question.

Lets start over, Richard said. From the beginning.

She burst into despairing tears.

It took hours before they were done with her. Nobody offered to drive her home.

Claire walked, feeling like she was drifting half out of her body, and made it all the way home without a single incident. It was still daylight, which helped, but the streets seemed unnaturally quiet and deserted. Word was out, she guessed. Humans were keeping their heads down, hoping the storm would pass.

As Claire slammed the door, Eve came bolting down the stairs, raced to her, and wrapped her in a breathless full-body hug. Bitch! she said. I cant believe you scared the crap out of me like that. Oh my God, Claire. Can you believe those jerks at the police station wouldnt even take my statement? I even had a wound! A real wound with blood and everything! Howd you get away? Did Monica hurt you?

Eve didnt know. Nobody had told her at the police station.

Shanes dad stopped the van, Claire said. He took Monica as a hostage.

For a second, neither one of them moved, and then Eve whooped and held up her hand for a high five. Claire just stared at her, and Eve compensated by clapping both hands over her head. Yesssss! she said, and did a totally geeky victory dance. Couldnt happen to a nicer psycho!

Hey! Claire yelled, and Eve froze in midcelebration. It was stupid, but Claire was angry; she knew Eve was right, knew she had no reason at all to think Monica was ever going to be anything but a gigantic pain in the ass, butShanes dads going to burn her if they go through with the execution. He has a blowtorch.

The glee dropped out of Eves expression. Oh, she said. Wellstill. Not like she didnt ask for it. Karmas a bitch, and so am I.


Olivers trying to get them to kill Shane tonight. Were out of time, Eve. I dont know what to do anymore.

That knocked the last of Eves smugness right out from under her. She didnt seem to know, either. She licked her lips and said, Theres still time. Let me make some phone calls. And you need to get some food. And some sleep.

I cant sleep.

Well, you can eat, right?

She could, as it turned outand she needed to. The world had taken on a gray color, and her head was aching. A hot dogplain except for mustardchips, and a bottle of water solved some of that, though not the ache in her heart, or the sick feeling that had nothing to do with hunger.

What are we going to do?

Eve was on the phone, calling people. Claire slumped on the couch, tipped over, and curled up under the blanket. It still smelled like Shanes cologne.

She must have slept for a while, and when she woke it was almost as though someone had flipped a switch or whispered in her ear, Wake up! Because she was upright in seconds, heart racing, and her brain was running to catch up. The house was quiet, except for the usual ticks and pops and moans that old houses got. A breeze rattled dry leaves outside.

And it took Claire a second to realize that she couldnt see the tree that shaded the window because it was dark.

No! She catapulted off the couch and raced to find a clock. It was exactly what shed feared. No eclipses or sudden unexplained collapses of the normal day-night continuum; no, it was just dark because it was night.

Shed slept for hours. Hours. And Eve hadnt woken her up. In fact, she wasnt even sure Eve was still in the house.

Michael! Claire went from room to room, but he was nowhere to be seen. Michael! Eve! Where are you?

They were in Michaels room. He opened the door, and he was half-dressedshirt open, jeans hanging low-slung around his hips, revealing a chest and abs that even now Claire had to noticeand Eve was curled up in the bed, under the covers.

Michael quickly stepped out, buttoning his shirt. Youre awake.

Yeah. Claire suppressed a burst of pure fury. If youre done screwing around, maybe we can talk about Shane dying tonight.

Michael dipped his chin a little, staring her straight in the eyes. You do not want to go there, Claire, he said flatly. You really dont. You think I dont know? I dont care? Fuck. What do you think Eves been doing all day while you

Slept? Yeah, I fell asleep! You could have woken me up!

Chapter Twenty-three

He came forward a step. She backed up a step, then another, because his eyesnot Michaels usual expression. Not at all.

So you could sit and rip your guts out, too? he asked softly. Enough of that going around, Claire. You needed to sleep. I let you sleep. Get over it.

So whats the brilliant plan you guys came up with while I was napping, then? What is it, Michael? What the hell do we do now?

I dont know, he said, and whatever tight control hed been hanging on to ripped loose at the roots. I dont know! It was a yell, and it came right out of his guts. Claire backed up another step, feeling an icy flush race over her skin. What the hell do you want me to do, Claire? What?

Her eyes filled up with tears. Anything, she whispered. God, please. Anything.

He grabbed her and hugged her. She sagged against him, trembling, not quite crying butnot quite not, either. It was a hopeless sort of feeling, as if they were loose and drifting and there was no land in sight.

Like they were lost. All lost.

Claire sniffled and stepped back, and when she did, she saw Eve standing in the doorway, watching them. Whatever Eve was thinking, it wasnt good, and it wasnt anything that Claire ever wanted to see again.


Whatever, Eve said flatly. Theres still one vampire who might help us. If we can find him and get him to agree. He could get into Founders Square without any problem. He might even be willing to open up Shanes cage if we create some kind of diversion.

Michael turned toward her. Eve. He didnt sound guilty, at least. He sounded worried, though. No. We talked about this.

Michael, its the last thing we can do. I know that. But we need to go for it now, if were going to do it at all.

What vampire? Claire asked.

His name is Sam, Michael said, and this is going to sound weird, but hes my grandfather.

Sam? Hes youryour

Grandfather. Yeah. I know. Freaks me the hell out, too. It has all my life.

Claire had to sit down. Fast.

When she recovered her breath, she told Eve and Michael about running into Sam at Common Grounds. About the present Sam had tried to give her for Eve. I didnt take it, she said. I didnt knowwell, it just didnt seemright.

Damn straight, Michael said.

Eve wasnt looking at him. Sams okay, she said.

I thought you hated vampires.

I do! ButI guess if theres a most-hated-vampire list, hes at the bottom. He always seems so lonely, Eve said. He came into Common Grounds pretty much every night and just talked for hours. Just talked. Oliver always watched him like a hawk, but he never did anything, never threatened anybodynot like Brandon. In fact, I sometimes wondered

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