Hello, Claire said, and shaded her eyes. I need to talk to the mayor. Tell him I have information about his daughter, and Frank Collins.

The mayor had changed out of the suit hed worn to put Shane in a cage the night before; he was wearing a green golf shirt with black slacks and loafers. Very preppy. He was in the hallway, talking into his cell phone, looking tense and angry. Claire was escorted past him, into his office, and deposited in a big red leather chair by two members of Morganvilles finest; she didnt recognize either of them. When she asked after Detectives Hess and Lowe, she got nothing. Nobody even admitted to knowing their names.

Claire was feeling more than a little light-headed. She had no idea how long it had been since shed eaten, but the world was starting to take on a surreal melty edge that really wasnt a very good sign. Between the stress, the poor sleep, and the lack of food, she was going to be loopy soon.

Keep it together, Claire. Pretend youre cramming for a test. Shed gone without sleep for three days once, prepping for her SAT, and she hadnt eaten much beyond Jolt cola and Cheetos. She could do this.

Here, said a voice from beside her, and a red can of Coca-Cola appeared, held in a big male hand. You look like you could use something to drink.

Claire looked up. It was Richard, Monicas cop brother. The cute one. He looked tired and worried. He pulled up another chair close to hers and leaned forward, elbows on his knees. Claire busied herself with the Coke, popping the top and taking a fast chug of the icy sweet contents.

My sister got carjacked, he said. You know that, right?

Claire nodded and swallowed. I was there. I was in the van.

Thats exactly why I wanted to talk to you before I let you see my dad, Richard said. You were in the van with Jennifer and Gina and Monica.

Claire nodded again.

Chapter Twenty-two


Let me ask you this, then. How did you signal them?

She blinked. How did I what?

How did you plan the setup? What was your system? Did you text message them? You know, we can pull those records, Claire. Or was it some kind of trap you led my sister into?

I dont know what youre

Richard looked up at her, and she fell silent, because he didnt look so friendly this time. Not friendly at all. My sisters a crazy psychoI know that. But shes still my sister. And nobody lays their hands on a Morrell in this town, or somebodymaybe a whole bunch of somebodiespays for it. Get the point? So whatever you know, whatever your relationship is with these invaders, youd better come to it quick, or were going to start digging. And Claire, thats going to be a fast, bloody kind of process.

She wrapped both hands around the Coke can and raised it to her mouth for another trembling gulp, then said, I didnt lead them to your sister. Your sister abducted me. Right out of the Photo Finish parking lot. Ask Eve. Oh GodEveGina cut her. Is she okay?

Richard frowned at her. Eves all right.

That eased a terrible knot in her stomach. What about Gina and Jennifer?

Also fine. They called in the carjacking. Gina said He turned something over in his mind, and then said, more slowly, Gina said a lot of things. But I should have remembered who I was talking to. If theres anybody in Morganville crazier than my sister, its Gina.

She couldnt disagree with that. The guys who took over the van

Shanes father, Richard interrupted. We already know all that. Where is he now?

I dont know, she said. I swear! He let me out in the storm drain and told me to climb the ladder and talk to your father. Thats why Im here.

Leave the kid alone, Richard. Mayor Morrell stalked in, slamming the office door behind him, and paused to glare at the two extra police officers standing guard. You. Out. If my son cant handle some sixteen-year-old stick of a girl, he deserves what he gets.

They left, fast. Claire put the Coke can aside on a table as the mayor sank into his big, plush leather chair. He no longer looked quite as smug as he had back at Founders Square, and he definitely looked angry.

You, he snapped. Talk. Now.

She did, spilling it out in a tumbling stream of words. Shanes father hijacking the van and pitching Gina and Jennifer out. Destroying the cell phones. Threatening Monica and sending Claire as his messenger of doom. Hes serious, she finished. I mean, Ive seen him do things. Hes seriously not afraid to hurt people, and he definitely doesnt like Monica.

Oh, and suddenly youre her bestest little friend? Please. You hate her guts, and youve probably got reason, Richard said. He got up to pace the room. Dad, look, let me do this. I can find these guys. If we put every available man and vampire on the streets

We did that last night, son. Wherever these guys go, theyre going someplace we cant follow. The mayors red-rimmed eyes fastened back on hers. He cracked his knuckles. He had big hands, like his son. Hard hands. Oliver wants this over. He wants to move up the timetable, burn the kid tonight and get them out in the open. Its not a bad plan. Call their bluff.

You think Frank Collins is bluffing? Richard asked.

No, the mayor said. I think hell do exactly what he said hed do, only a whole lot worse than we can imagine. But what Oliver wants

Youre just going to let him do it? What about Monica?

Oliver doesnt know theyve got her. Once I tell him

Dad, Richard said. Its Oliver. Hes not going to give a crap and you know it. Acceptable losses. But its not acceptable to me, and it shouldnt be to you, either.

Father and son exchanged looks, and Richard shook his head and continued to pace. We need to find a way to get her back. Somehow.

You. The mayor pointed a thick finger at Claire. Tell me the whole thing again. Everything. Every detail, I dont care how minor. Start from the first time you saw these men.

Claire opened her mouth to answer, and caught herself just in time. No, you idiot! You cant tell them the truth! The truth gets Shane fried for sure. She wasnt a good liar, she knew that, and there was too much time slipping by while she was scrambling around in her head, trying to pick up the threads of where to start the story.

I guessI saw some of them when they broke into the house, she said tentatively. You know, when we called the cops about the home invasion? And then I saw

She froze and closed her eyes. Shed seen something important. Very important. What was it? Something to do with Shanes dad

Start with the van, Richard said, and short-circuited her attempt at catching the memory. She dutifully recounted it all again, and then again, answering specific questions as fast as she could. Her head ached, and despite the cold Coke, her throat did, too. She needed sleep, and she wanted to roll up in blankets and cry herself into a coma. Oliver wants to move up the timetable, burn the kid tonight. No. No, they couldnt let it happen, they couldnt.

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