Thank you, maam, she said, and extended her hand. Gramma looked at it for a few seconds, then took it in a birdlike grip and shook. Can I come back and see you sometime?

Long as you bring me some chocolate, Gramma said, and smiled. Im partial to chocolate.

Gramma, youre diabetic.

Im old, girl. Gonna die of something. Might as well be chocolate.

They were still arguing as Claire retreated down the steps, through the neatly kept front garden, and out through the gate in the white picket fence. She looked at that alley, the one shed almost taken, and this time she felt a shiver of warning. Trapdoor spiders. No, she no longer had any desire to take shortcuts. And shed learned about as much as she could stomach about Jason Rosser. At least she knew now who to watch out for, if he started following her around again.

Claire hitched her backpack to a more comfortable position, and began walking.

Chapter Thirteen

There was no sign of Shanes dad or the bikers. In fact, it was very quiet in Morganville, despite Claires fears. Travis Lowe and Joe Hess dropped by early the next morning to deliver the no-news-is-good-news party line to Eve and the house in general; they were polite and kind, and generally seemed like okay guys for cops, but they made Claire feel scared and paranoid. She supposed all cops were like that, when they were on Official Business. It didnt seem to bother Eve at all; she was up, bleary-eyed and yawning, fresh out of the shower and still wrapped in a Hello Kitty bathrobe, free of the Goth mask. Shane was, predictably, asleep, and who knew where Michael was? Watching, Claire thought. Always watching. She supposed that should have been creepy, except that in Michaels case, it was justcomforting.

Hey, guys, Eve said after wandering down the stairs into the living room. She plopped on the couch, bounced, and yawned again. Coffee. Need coffee.

I made some, Claire said, and went into the kitchen to get it. Travis Lowe followed her silently and carried the cups back out. He and his partner drank it black; Claire could barely stand it even with more milk and sugar than actual coffee. Eve was cream only, no sugar, and she sucked it down like Gatorade after a hard work-out, then collapsed against the couch cushions and sighed happily.

Morning, Officers, she said, and closed her eyes. Its too early for this.


Heard you got a job on campus, Hess said. Congratulations, Eve.

Yea, me. She made a lazy woo-hoo gesture. You come all this way to say that?

Not a long way in Morganville. Hess shrugged. But no. Like I told Claire, theres no sign of your intruders. So I think youre in the clear on that. Hope that makes your day better.

Eve shot Claire a fast, tentative look. Sure, she said. Umaboutthe other thing?

You want to talk in private? Claire asked, and stood up with her coffee cup in hand. Cause I can go on to school

Sit, Hess said. Youre not going anywhere yet. And youre not going anywhere by yourself.


Were giving you girls a ride to school, Lowe said, and sipped his coffee. And a ride home when youre done. Consider us your Thin Blue Line Taxi Service.

No! Claire blurted, appalled. I mean, you cantyou shouldntwhy?

Eve knows why, Hess said. Dont you, Eve?

Eve put her coffee cup on the side table and crossed her arms against her chest. She looked very young in pink and white, and very scared. Jason.

Yeah, Jason. Hess cleared his throat, glanced at Claire, and continued. We found Karla Gast late last night. Well, actually, some of our more night-inclined colleagues found her. Dumped in a vacant lot about six blocks from here behind some piled-up lumber.

In a flash, Claire remembered walking past the empty lot on her way to her unintended visit with Amelie. Shed even smelled decay. She put her coffee cup down and put both hands over her mouth, fighting an impulse to gag.

You think Eve looked tense and pale. She licked her lips, swallowed, and continued. You think Jason was involved.

Yeah, Hess said softly. We think. No proof, though. No witnesses, no forensic evidence, but she was definitely not killed by a vampire. Look, Jasons been spotted in the area, so I dont want you out there by yourself for now, okay? Either one of you.

Hes my brother! Eve sounded angry now, voice shaking. How could he do this? What kind of Its not your fault, Lowe said. You tried to get him help. He just got sicker.

It is my fault! she shouted. Im the one who turned him in! Im the one who didnt stop Brandon from

From what? Lowe asked, very quietly.

Eve didnt answer. She looked down at her black-painted fingernails, and picked at them restlessly.

From moving on to an easier target, she said. Once I made sure he couldnt get to me.

Christ, Lowe muttered in weary disgust. Someday, that goddamn vamps going to get his

Trav, Hess said. It aint laundry day. Lets not air it in public.

Yeah, I know, but Jesus Christ, Joe, it aint like this is the first time.

It took Claire a few seconds to work out what they were all talking about, but then she remembered Eves poetry that shed looked through on the computerall romantic Arent vampires great? stuff until she was about fifteen, and thenno more romance. Brandon. Brandon tried to mess with her when she was fifteen.

And Jason was her younger brother.

What did he do to him? Claire asked in a very small voice. Brandon, I mean. Did hebite him?

Eve didnt look up, but her cheeks went pink to match her robe. Sometimes, she said. And sometimes it was worse than that. Were just toys to him, you know. Dolls. Were not real. People arent real at all.

Im afraid the same goes for Jason now, Hess said. Cant really blame the kid. He didnt have much of a chance. But I repeat, Eve, you cant blame yourself, either. You saved yourself, and thats important.

Yeah, I saved myself by screwing over my brother. What a hero.

You be careful with all that guilt, Lowe said. Itll pound you down. Your parents were the ones who should have stepped in, and you know it. Anybody willing to let their kids become toys, just to get ahead

Claire reached out and took hold of Eves hand. Eve, surprised, looked upshe wasnt crying, which was kind of surprising because Eve cried a lot. Her eyes were dry, clear, and hard. Angry.

Why do you think I left? she asked. As soon as I could. Between my parents and what Brandon made out of Jason

Claire couldnt think of anything to say. She just sat there, holding Eves hand. Shed never been through any of that. Shed grown up warm and safe in a house where her parents loved her. In a town where there were no such things as vampires, where child abuse and molestation were something that happened on the evening news, and if anybody had brothers who killed people, it happened in big cities, to people she didnt know.

All this was justtoo much to take in. And much too painful.

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