It was their whole lives reduced to dry entries in longhand on paper. Dates of births, details of school recordsthere were handwritten reports from the vampire Brandon, who gave them Protection. Even those were dry.

And then not so dry, because between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, Eve changed. Big-time. The school photograph at fifteen was of a pretty, fragile-looking girl dressed in conservative clothessomething even Claire would have worn.

Eves photograph at sixteen was GothCity. Shed dyed her dark hair a flat glossy black, whited her face, raccooned her eyes, and generally adopted a tude. By seventeen shed started getting piercingsone showed in the tongue she stuck out at the camera.

By eighteen, she looked pensive and defiant, and then the photographs stopped, except for some that looked like surveillance photos of Eve in Common Grounds, pulling espresso shots and chatting with customers.

Eve with Oliver.

Youre supposed to be looking up Jason, Claire reminded herself, and flipped the page.

Jason was just the same, only younger; about the time that Eve had turned Goth, so had Jason, although on him it looked less like a fashion choice and more like a serious turn to the dark side. Eve always had a light of humor and mischief in her eyes; Jason had no light in his eyes at all. He looked skinny, strong, and dangerous.

And Claire realized with an icy start that shed seen him before. Hed been on the street, staring at her just before shed gone into Common Grounds and talked to Sam.

Jason Rosser knew who she was.

Jason likes knives, as I recall, Amelie said. He sometimes fancies himself a vampire. I should be quite careful of him, were I you. He is not likely to be aspolite as my own people.

Claire shivered and flipped pages, speed-reading through Jasons not-very-impressive academic life, and then the police reports.


Eve had been the witness whod turned him in. Shed seen him abduct this girl and drive away with hera girl who was later found wandering the streets bleeding from a stab wound. The girl refused to testify, but Eve had gone on record. And Jason had gone away.

The file showed hed been released from prison the day before yesterday at nine in the morning. Plenty of time for him to have grabbed Karla Gast on campus and Out with the bad thoughts, Claire. In with the good.

She flipped pages and looked at Eves mother and dad. They lookednormal. Kind of grim, maybe, but with a son like Jason, that probably wasnt too strange. Still, they didnt look like the kind of parents whod just toss their daughter out on her ear and never write or call or visit.

Claire closed the file and slid it back across the desk to Amelie, who put it in a wooden out-box at the corner of her desk. Did you find what you wished to know? Amelie asked.

I dont know.

What a wise thing to say, Amelie said, and nodded once, like a queen to a subject. You may go now. Use the door that brought you.

Umthanks. Bye. Which sounded like a dumbass thing to say to someone a billion years old, who controlled the town and everything in it, but Amelie seemed to accept it fine. Claire grabbed her backpack and hurried through the polished wood door into a bathroom. With lots of floral wallpaper and really yak-worthy frilly doll-skirt toilet paper covers.

Reality whiplash.

Claire dropped her backpack and yanked open the door again.

It was the hallway. She looked right, then left. The room even smelled differenttalcum powder and old-lady perfume. No trace of Amelie, her silent servants, or the room where theyd been.

Science fiction, Claire said, deeply unhappy, andfeeling strangely guiltyflushed the toilet before trudging back the way shed come. The house was warm, but the heat outside was like a slap from a microwaved towel.

Oh, she was so going to figure that trick out. She couldnt stand the idea of it being, well, magic. Sure, vampires she could acceptgrudginglyand the whole mind-control thing. But not instantaneous transportation. Nope.

Lisa was sitting next to Gramma on the porch swing now, sipping lemonade. There was an extra one gathering beads of sweat on the small table next to her, and she nodded Claire to it without speaking.

Thanks, Claire said, and took a deep, thirsty gulp. It was goodmaybe too sweet, but refreshing. She drained it fast and held on to the cool glass, wondering if it was bad manners to crunch the ice cubes. How long have you lived here?

Grammas been in this house all her life, Lisa said, and gently rubbed her grandmothers back. Right, Gramma?

Born here, the old woman said proudly. Gonna die here, too, when Im good and ready.

Thats the spirit. Lisa poured Claire another glass of lemonade from a half-empty pitcher. I find anything missing in Grammas house, college girl, and you cant hide from me in Morganville. You feel me?

Lisa! Gramma scolded. Im so sorry, honey. My granddaughter never learned proper manners. She smacked Lisa on the hand and gave her the parental glare. This nice girl here, she never would steal from an old lady. Now, would you, honey?

No, maam, Claire said, and drank half of the second serving of lemonade. It tasted as tart and sweet and wonderful as the first. I was just wondering, about the symbol next to your door

Lisa and Gramma both looked at her sharply. Neither one of them replied. They were both wearing bracelets, she noticed, plain silver with the Founders symbol on a metal plaque, like those Medic Alert bracelets. Finally, Lisa said, softly, You need to leave now.


Go! Lisa yelled it, grabbed the glass out of Claires hand, and thumped it down on the table. Dont you make me throw you down the stairs in front of my gramma!

Hush, Lisa, Gramma said, and leaned forward with a creaking sound, from either the wooden porch swing or her old bones. Girls got no better sense than God gave a sheep, but thats all right. Its the Founders symbol, child, and this is the Founders house, and were the Founders people. Just like you.

Lisa looked at her, openmouthed. What? she finally said when she got control of her voice.

Cant you see it? Gramma waved her hand in front of Claire. She shines, baby. They see it, I guarantee you they do. They wont touch her, mark or no mark. Worth their lives if they do.

But Lisa looked as frustrated and helpless as Claire felt. Gramma, youre seeing things again.

I do not see things, missy, and you better remember just who in this family stayed alive when everybody else fell. Grammas faded eyes fixed on Claire, who shivered despite the oppressive, still heat. Dont know why she marked you, child, but she did. Now you just got to live with it. Go on, now. Go home. You got what you came for.

She did? Lisa scowled fiercely. Swear to God, if you lifted anything from our house

Hush. She didnt steal. But she got what she needed, didnt you, girl?

Claire nodded and nervously ran a hand through her hair. She was sweating buckets; her hair felt sticky and wet. Home suddenly sounded like a real good idea.

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