"The signora here!" Maurice repeated, trying to make his voice amazed.

"But why did she not tell us? Why did not she say that she was coming?"

He looked at Gaspare, but only for an instant. He felt afraid to meet his

great, searching eyes.

"Non lo so."

Maddalena stood by in silence. The bright look of anticipation had gone

out of her face, and was replaced by a confused and slightly anxious


"I can't understand it," Maurice said, heavily. "I can't--was the signora

alone, or did you see some one with her?"


"The sick signore? I did not see him. I saw only the signora standing at

the window, waving her hand--così!"

He waved his hand.

"Madonna!" Maurice said, mechanically.

"What are we to do, signorino?"

"Do! What can we do? The train has gone!"

"Si, signore. But shall I fetch the donkeys?"

Maurice stole a glance at Maddalena. She was looking frankly piteous.

"Have you got the clock yet?" he asked Gaspare.

"No, signore."

Gaspare began to look rather miserable, too.

"It has not been put up. Perhaps they are putting it up now."

"Gaspare," Maurice said, hastily, "we can't be back to meet the signora

now. Even if we went at once we should be hours late--and the donkeys are

tired, perhaps. They will go slowly unless they have a proper rest. It is

a dreadful pity, but I think if the signora knew she would wish us to

stay now till the fair is over. She would not wish to spoil your

pleasure. Do you think she would?"

"No, signore. The signora always wishes people to be happy."

"Even if we went at once it would be night before we got back."

"Si, signore."

"I think we had better stay--at any rate till the auction is finished and

we have had something to eat. Then we will go."

"Va bene."

The boy sounded doubtful.

"La povera signora!" he said. "How disappointed she will be! She did want

to speak to me. Her face was all red; she was so excited when she saw me,

and her mouth was wide open like that!"

He made a grimace, with earnest, heart-felt sincerity.

"It cannot be helped. To-night we will explain everything and make the

signora quite happy. Look here! Buy something for her. Buy her a present

at the auction!"

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