He took the glass from my hand, and put it down on the bench where we sat. He stood and took me by the hand and without another word we went across the lawn and around the house to the garden entrance. We saw a few people in the garden, but everyone was engaged in conversation, and did not notice us. He led me quickly down the path and through the gate. Across the lane was the tiny guest house.

A lantern was hung on the porch; candles were lit inside. He opened the door and I went in. Rabbit was dozing in a chair; she started up.

"Here is your mistress, girl; help her to prepare for bed," said Robbie.

I hurried Rabbit with my undressing; when she would have brushed my hair I sent her away for the night. I crawled onto the bed in my shift and sat waiting for Robbie; before I could think of my impatience, he entered.

He was coatless, pulling off his cravat. He took off his shoes and came toward the bed. As I looked up at him the fluttering in my breast faded away, and my heart beats grew strong and steady. The knowing within me, for so long obscured by the darkness of pain and doubt, now resurfaced, and I held out my arms to him.

He knelt on the bed and leaned toward me, and we kissed. I looked up into his dear face and saw a light in his eyes which I had never seen before; all derision was gone, and I saw that he had at last opened his heart to me, and to our marriage.

"Jessie, lass," he said, his voice deep and soft, and at last I knew that his words meant love. All the times he'd called me "lass," even when he was in delirium, was his way to say that he loved me.

"Robbie, my love," I answered. "My heart, my love."

His kisses grew deeper and I drew him closer to me; soon we were naked together upon the soft fresh linen of the bed. He kissed my mouth, my throat, my breasts, my belly. I kissed him every place that I could reach. His fine hands roved over my body gently, the hardness of his calloused palms lightly brushing the softness of my skin. His touches enflamed me; I felt the moisture flow in me. When he took me I looked into his face and before I closed my eyes I saw that he was giving himself to me as completely as I had given myself to him. We began to move together slowly, and soon I was carried away. I called out his name and he said, "Yes, lass, yes," and then he began to move more quickly and the intensity of my sensations catapulted me into heights of ecstasy to which I had never before been; I felt as though I was rising above my body and Robbie's. I came back, and he was still moving inside me. I heard his voice rise into a cry as he said, "Jessie, oh, Jessie, lass, lass," and I cried out again as his flanks shuddered against mine; and then he was still.

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