Robbie fastened it at the back of my neck; my flesh tingled and goose bumps raised the hair on my arms at his touch. I turned and looked up at him; his eyes were dark and he was smiling. "It suits you," he said.

"Thank you," I whispered, my eyes full of Robbie.

He put his lips near my ear. "My queen," he said.

Polo opened the door and announced our first guests.


I was right; it would have been utterly impossible to dance with Robbie only. I danced with all the men, except for Alexander's uncle Harry, who was so old he could only shuffle about. The hours passed in great pleasure and gaiety, and at last it was time for supper. The guests filled plates from the tables and wandered out onto the veranda and the terrace and the lawns.

Robbie came to find me, and bent to speak softly in my ear. "I have found a bed for us," he said.

I blushed and looked around; no one was paying attention to us. "What bed?" I whispered.

"I spoke with my uncle and he has made a bit of a shuffle among the guests," he said.

"We may have the small guest house, beyond the garden."


I picked up a plate and looked at the heavily-laden table, and by the quivering in my middle knew that I could not eat a bite. I put a few bits of food on the plate for appearances, and Robbie followed beside me.

"I do love you, lass," he said. "I do. I shall tell you over and over, as I should have done from the beginning."

"Robbie . . . please," I said. "You are making me quite-"

"I shall desist at once," he said. "May I carry your plate for you, madam?"

I gave the plate to him, and he bid a servant to follow us with wine. We went out onto the terrace and across the lawn to sit under the oak tree. We both took glasses of wine, and I drank.

"I believe we can say that the ball is once again a grand success," he said.

"Yes, it is so," I said, and sipped again. I could not imagine eating anything. I realized that Robbie's nearness was making me tremble; I wished"Perhaps we could slip away now," he said softly; "do you think that we would be missed?"

I felt the heat rising into my cheeks. "Robbie, I-"

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