“Brennus, to what do I owe this…pleasure?” Conall asked as soon as he stepped into the large room. He didn’t bother taking a seat, and instead braced his body against the door.

The Elder sat on one of the plush sofas, reading what appeared to an old scroll. He rolled it up, and placed it in his lap. “I think you know, Conall. Your female has drawn my daughter’s blood twice, and still you refuse to grant Samia the blood rite she deserves. It is absolute discrimination, and as our alpha, you are to be impartial, not biased.”

He lifted a brow. He’d heard Samia’s case for a blood rite yesterday and had dismissed it on the grounds the fight had been instigated. That should have been the final word.

“My family has been with this pack for decades, Conall.” Irritation lined every crease in his face. “We have served this pack always. My daughter was wronged, and on her behalf, I demand justice.”

“And that justice would be in the form of a blood rite?”

Brennus nodded.


The older man pushed himself out of the chair and grabbed his scroll. “A blood rite doesn’t have to be approved by an alpha. It can be approved by the pack, too.” Conall tensed, feeling his wolf grow more restless. “I will put a vote to the pack, and let them decide.”

Brennus walked in the direction of the door but Conall refused to move. “As your alpha, I’ve already declined your request, Brennus. If you take this to the pack, I will assume you are questioning my right to rule.”

“I am, and if I were younger, I would challenge you.” Brennus slid a hand over his white hair. “You’ve endangered this pack by bringing a druid here, and now you’re breaking ancient rules on her behalf. It’s a wonder she’s your mate. Most of the pack thinks she’s put a spell on you, and for your sake, I hope to Luna it’s true.”

Conall closed the gap between them quickly. “If you love your daughter, you’ll tell her to stay away from my mate.” He clenched his fists to leash the rage running through his body. If Brennus put a vote to the pack, they would approve a blood rite. Weres were part human, but their animal won out on most occasions.


“Are you threatening us?” Brennus demanded indignantly.

“It isn’t a threat, Brennus. It’s a warning.” He stepped around the Elder and made his way over to his desk.

“You won’t be alpha forever!” Brennus snarled angrily, which in turn propelled Conall around.

“No, but until such a time as you decide to challenge me, you would do good to remember that I am your alpha!” With effort, he restrained from shifting and launching himself at the man, and instead jabbed his head in the direction of the door.

Contempt dripping from his person, Brennus hissed, “The pack will support me on this.” With those parting words, he stormed out.

Swearing viciously, Conall paced before his desk. If Brennus took his request to the pack, and it was approved—as it would be—Vivienne would have no choice but to fight. If she didn’t, she’d be ridiculed.

The door swung open and he stopped mid-pace, lifting his head as her scent invaded his body, both calming him and sending him wild. Vivienne stepped into the room, one of his large T-shirts covering her almost to her knees. Her hair was still wet, and the curls easily framed her pixieish face.

Closing the door, she smiled warmly at him. “I heard you come in so I came downstairs—”


The rest of her words died in his mouth. He’d moved so quickly she didn’t see him until he was pressing her against the wall. Vivienne moaned and kissed him back, already feeling moisture pooling between her legs in anticipation for him. Last night, she’d fallen asleep before he came to bed, so she hadn’t gotten her fill. She’d come to his study to ask about his day, maybe talk a bit about what her mother had told her yesterday, and ultimately coax him into bed so she could have her wicked way with him. A blush had stolen across her cheeks as she made her way to the study, but the man was like good Swiss chocolate on top of vanilla ice cream. Wickedly delicious.

She heard a rip somewhere in the distance and then his large hands were squeezing her breasts, moving down over her belly, pushing into her panties. The pad of a thick finger pressed against her sensitive nub and began a soft but firm caress. Vivienne pulled away to haul in deep breaths. His tongue licked at her jaw, moved up to her cheek, before dipping across to her earlobe. She felt a sting at her hip—another pair of her panties torn to shreds, along with his shirt—and then his big hands were spanning her buttocks, lifting her.

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