“The last time the druids walked the earth, no one was safe. That kind of power isn’t meant to exist outside of the Gods,” Dominic murmured, running a hand over his eyes as if trying to banish a haunted image. “Their targets might have been the witches, but they killed anything in their paths to get to them. My pack was almost annihilated.”

“So, how do you propose we stop him?” Drako asked after the silence had stretched to long seconds.

“I say we kill him,” Santiago immediately replied. “I can trail him for a few days, see what his habits are, where his weaknesses lie, and then my pack and I can swarm in and take him out.”

Drako released an exasperated sigh. “And then the Council will be broken, and chaos will come back.”

“You got a better idea, Sherlock?”

He nodded once. “Lie low. Keep the girls safe.”

Santiago whistled before pushing himself from the chair. Before he could speak, Drako continued, “Let Maximilian make the first move. Once that’s done, Santiago can kill him.”

“No.” The growl came from Conall. Four pairs of eyes and more than a few raised brows turned to him. Conall stared directly at Santiago. “Cronin is mine. No one will kill him but me. Understood?”

Santiago blustered, dark eyes flashing yellow. “You’re not among your pack, Athelwulf, and I don’t respond to orders. I already called first dibs.”

Raoul smirked. “Conall’s going to kill him, Santiago. You can choose to be alive to witness it or I can visit your grave and tell you all about it after Conall kills you.”

Santiago growled at Raoul and took a threatening step forward. Raoul’s grin only widened as he crossed his arms over his chest.


“Whoever kills him, kills him.” Drako looked to his watch. “I have an appointment in fifteen minutes. Keep me updated on the situation.” His eyes swept over them. “Gentlemen.” And then he left.

“What color pelt does your brother have?” Santiago asked Dominic as the door to the bar closed behind Drako.

“Silver and white. Why?”

“I’ve never had a silver pelt on my wall….” Santiago let his voice trail off, his eyes narrowing as he stared at the door through which Drako had retreated.

“You never will,” Dominic answered blandly, but there was a slight edge to his voice. He palmed his Glock and holstered it, standing as he did so. Santiago lifted a dark brow. “Not my brother’s.”


After leaving Casa del Lobo, Conall and Raoul made an impromptu visit to Cedar Creek Companies to take care of business before heading home. Dusk had just fallen by the time he parked the SUV in front of his house, and Conall was already anticipating a night buried in Vivienne. He scented her out, pinpointing her location in the upstairs bathroom, and was making his way there when Sloan intercepted him.

Conall remembered he’d yet to have that conversation with his beta, the conversation where he made sure Sloan understood there would be serious repercussions for touching his mate. He took a quick step in Sloan’s direction, and the were held up both hands, shaking his head as he did so.

“I know. I apologized to Vivienne yesterday. It won’t happen again,” Sloan told him, dipping his head. Conall’s narrowed his eyes on his old friend, and Sloan continued, “It wasn’t my intention to cause her any pain. I was only looking out for her safety.”

Over the course of the centuries he’d known Sloan, Conall had only wanted to flay him alive twice. The first time had been when he’d thought Sloan had sided with an enemy pack in the wilds of Europe, and the second was now. Other than that, his beta had always been loyal, almost to a fault, and reliable.

“Don’t let it happen again,” Conall retorted, spinning and placing one foot on the staircase. In addition to Vivienne’s peachy scent, he could also smell vanilla body wash she was applying to her skin. His wolf almost purred.

“Brennus is in the study waiting for you. He says it’s urgent, and he won’t leave until he sees you.”

Conall barely resisted the urge to groan as his wolf whined. He grudgingly removed the foot from the staircase and looked in the direction of the study.

“Is he alone?”

Sloan nodded. “Yes.”

Gritting his teeth, Conall strode in the direction. If Brennus was visiting him, then the Elder obviously wanted to talk about his daughter. Conall frowned. This was getting ridiculous. He’d thought that by now, Samia would have done what the other contenders for alpha bitch had done, and bowed out. Maybe he’d have to pay her a little visit tomorrow.

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