“I have to eat, right? So, why not eat with your old friend?”

His look said he still wasn’t sure he shouldn’t just wrap her up and put her to bed.

“The doc says I’m fine, Simon. He even told you since I reacted so well to the glucose that he was pretty sure it’s just hypoglycemia. He also reassured you that I was fine to do everything I normally do tonight.” She sighed at the stubborn set of his features. “Tell you what, tomorrow we’ll order in some Chinese and you can feed me with chopsticks, okay? We’ll stay in and cuddle in front of that wonderful fireplace you have.”

He nodded reluctantly. “You’re sure you feel okay?” He hissed when she started doing jumping jacks.

He grabbed her arms and picked her up off the ground. “Don’t do that!”

She kissed the tip of his nose. “See? I’m fine.”

“I’m not!”

“Then let’s pack and you can take me home, okay?”

They stared at one another, the shock of her calling his place home in both their faces. Becky could feel the tension slowly easing out of his big body as he lowered her to the ground. “Okay.” His lips quirked up into a possessive smile. “Chinese or pizza?”

“Meat lovers?”



Just then Emma ended her phone call and grinned at the big artist. “So, Max wants to know what size corset he should buy you. Just in case.”


“Just make sure you get it in pink.” Becky was biting the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing, but when he blew a raspberry at them both women collapsed into giggles.

Chapter Six

She’d managed to sneak her truffles into her bag without Emma seeing them. Damn, that pretty brown box tempted her. And Emma was just as bad as she was when it came to Godiva.

“You ready, baby?”

She shoved the truffle in her mouth just as Simon walked through the bedroom door. “All set.”

He smiled at her. “Man, I’m glad you wore another dress. You look incredible.”

She twirled for him, causing her skirt to flare up around her hips. She heard him moan as the pale green thong flashed him. The black eyelet lace dress was lined in a pale jade silk that matched the panties. Long bell-like sleeves and a square neckline hugged her assets, while the above-the-knee skirt showcased her legs. The black boots she’d worn with the bandita costume and chunky gold hoops completed the outfit.

He held out her coat for her just like he had the night of their dinner with Max and Emma. He took her hand and led her into the garage, settling her in her seat first before climbing in himself.

He started the truck and opened the garage door. The soft strains of Loreena McKennitt filled the air, the haunting Celtic melodies flowing out of the speakers and soothing her. She looked at him with a slightly goofy grin. “You stole my CD, didn’t you?”

He smiled. “Since most of your CD collection was this Celtic stuff I figured you wouldn’t mind.”

She stroked his cheek. “Thank you, Simon.”

He took her hand and cupped it in his own. He kissed her palm and curled her fingers through his.

“You’re welcome.”

She turned her head and stared out the window. She knew the goofy grin was still on her face.

Rain began to fall, coating the windows in running droplets. She watched the rainbows caused by the streetlamps dance in the drops. She traced one of the running drops with her finger as it slid down the window.



“You okay?”

“Um-hmm.” She leaned her head against the window and smiled. Everything felt so peaceful, so Zen.

Rainbows danced all over the place. “So pretty.”


“Hmm?” She turned her head to see his worried frown. She patted his cheek, not wanting him to be sad.

How could he be sad on such a beautiful night? “It’s okay, Catman. Rainbows can’t hurt you.”

“ Shit. ” He pulled into the parking lot of the motel Sheri was currently staying in. Reaching over her, he pulled a packet of cookies out of the glove compartment. “Eat one, baby.”

She stared at the chocolate chip cookie he held out. It had rainbows playing across it. “Won’t I hurt the rainbows?”

“No, baby. You’ll take the rainbows inside, and they’ll become a part of you, and that will make them happy.”


“Yes, baby. Trust me.”

She smiled at him. “Of course I trust you, silly.” She took the cookie and began nibbling on it. Suddenly she giggled. “Does this mean I ‘taste the rainbow’?”

“I’ll be right back, okay? Can you stay in the car?”

She hummed softly to the music. The rainbows were dancing along with it. It was so beautiful she barely heard what he said.

With a sigh he climbed out of the truck. She barely felt his door slam shut, so caught up was she in the multicolored dance in front of her.

Simon was about to lose his mind. Twice in one day? What about that shit the doc told him about the glucose and how as long as she ate she’d be fine? Simon had seen to it personally that Becky ate lunch; hell, he’d stood there practically spoon-feeding her fast food he’d brought to her in the hospital. He’d refused to take a bite of his own until she’d downed at least the burger.

Now here she was, acting like she had that morning, although less scared. If he didn’t know better he’d swear she was…


He started. He had been so caught up in his worry over Becky he hadn’t realized he’d stopped in front of Sheri’s door. “Sheri, hi.” He accepted the hug she gave him. Her pale blonde hair practically glowed against the darkness of his leather trench coat.

She must have felt his tension because she started pulling on his hand, trying to get him to come into her room. “What’s wrong?”

“My mate is sick. She’s in the car, and I have to get her out of here.”

“Oh, no! Is there anything we can do to help?”


“Jerry and I.”

Simon smiled slightly. Jerry was Sheri’s Seeing Eye dog, and usually he grinned whenever he thought of the name she’d given the golden retriever. Now, however, he just didn’t have it in him. “No. Look, I’m sorry, but can we reschedule the dinner to tomorrow night? I need to get Becky to the hospital.”

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