“Simon?” She opened her eyes to see his worried face hovering over her own. She smiled dreamily.

Damn, she felt so good. “You have beautiful eyes.”

“Hey, baby. How are you feeling?”

She stretched. “Mmm, I feel wonderful. Don’t you?”

He looked off to his left with a frown. “Doc?”

“Could be a side effect of the glucose we’re pumping into her bloodstream.”

She lifted one heavy hand and stroked Simon’s cheek. “I’m okay.”

His frown was fierce. “You scared the hell out of me. Why didn’t you tell me you suffer from low blood sugar?”

“The tests hadn’t come back yet, so I didn’t know if it was hypoglycemia or my thyroid. I didn’t want to worry anyone until I knew for sure.” She shrugged. “Besides, I had the test on Friday and didn’t, um, hook up with you until Saturday night.”

“You could have told me any time this weekend.”

She stared up at his fierce frown and blushed. “We were busy. Remember? ”


She heard a laughing cough behind Simon and turned to look. There was Doctor Harrison, hiding a grin behind his hand. “Actually, Simon, you have Max to thank for talking her into getting checked out. He knew the dizzy spells weren’t normal and asked her to come see me for blood work.”

“So it’s definitely hypoglycemia?”

Doc Harrison nodded. “Yup. This means we need to change a few things in your diet. Like making sure you eat regularly.”

She winced and refused to look at either of them.

“Also we need to find out what the underlying cause is, make sure there’s nothing more serious going on.

The fact that you found her unconscious is cause for worry; however, her rapid response to the glucose is encouraging.”

She felt Simon breathe a sigh of relief. “So you don’t think it’s serious?”

“Not enough to warrant an extended hospital stay. We’ll monitor her for another hour or two, and then I suggest you take her home. Make sure she eats tonight, and under no circumstances is she to skip a meal. You’ll want to get plenty of good carbs into her, along with reducing her sugar intake. But if she seems to be having another episode, by all means hand the woman a regular Coke or glass of juice.”

Simon nodded and held out his hand. “Thanks, Doc.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Thanks, Doc Harrison.”

The doctor left, leaving them alone in the room. She peeked up at Simon from under her lashes, startled to see the fear in his normally sunny expression.

“You scared the hell out of me.”

“I scared the hell out of me, too.”

He pulled her into his arms, careful of the IV. “I just got you. I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

He’s trembling. She ran her hands down his back in an effort to soothe him. The fact that she could make him feel so much humbled her. “I don’t plan on going anywhere.” She grinned slowly. “After all, I never did get my donuts.”

His amused snort was music to her ears.

She had to buy a glucose monitor. Simon wouldn’t hear of taking her home without one, and the doctor agreed. Since her blood sugar was back up to normal and she was showing no further signs of problems they released her late afternoon. She’d insisted on returning to her apartment for toiletries and clean clothes and he’d grumbled the whole time. He refused to wait in the car for her, and tried his hardest to tie her to a chair so she wouldn’t overexert herself. He was even talking about cancelling the dinner with Sheri just so she could get some rest, even though she felt perfectly fine.

“I’m okay, Simon, really.” She watched as he went through her underwear drawer, discarding all of her comfy panties in favor of what she called her “dress-up” panties. She blushed when he pulled out a lacy, pale green thong. With a grin, he added it to the pile to be dumped into the suitcase on the bed.

“Well, I’m not, so indulge me.”

The doorbell rang. “I’ll get it.” She practically flew off the bed, ignoring his growl to “Slow down, damn it!”

She threw open the door and was immediately enveloped by a pair of pale rose arms. “Hi, Emma.”

“You scared me!”

“Can’t. Breathe. ”

Emma stepped back. “Oops.”

Once Emma let go she sucked in a deep breath. “Damn, woman, you’ve been eating your Wheaties.”

She stepped back to let Emma through the door.

Emma blushed bright red. “Hi, Simon!”

“Damn it, Emma! Where’s Max?”

“He’s at his office, I think. Why?”

Simon stepped out of the bedroom holding a pair of black stockings and a matching garter belt. He had a fierce frown on his face. “Does he know you’re not at the store?”

Becky eyed the underwear in his big hands and grinned. “Are you planning on going to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show ? You’d make a lovely Dr. Frank-N-Furter.”

Emma laughed so hard she turned purple. Becky could just see her friend picturing Simon in a corset and heels.

“What?” Simon looked down, rolled his eyes and threw the frilly underwear on the bed. “Well?”

Emma took a moment to catch her breath. “I’m shutting Wallflowers down early, and I’ll meet him at home. We’re going to the caterer’s from there, remember? Why?”

“No reason. I just don’t want my ass kicked because he can’t find you.”

A confused frown crossed Emma’s face. “Why would he kick your ass?”

“Because he won’t kick yours.”

The two women exchanged a confused look and Simon sighed. “Just call the man, okay?”

Emma shrugged. “Okay, Simon, if it will make you happy.”

“It will. I and my non-chewed-on ass will thank you.”

Emma shook her head and sauntered into the kitchen to call Max. Becky grinned at Simon and shook her head. “I’m going to go pack my makeup and something to wear for tonight, okay?”


He was staring in the direction Emma had gone. He still looked a little growly so she stroked his chest.

“Can you keep Emma company while I change clothes?”

Simon frowned, his attention back on her. “I’m still not sure we shouldn’t just cancel the dinner with Sheri.”

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