The lady who fainted in her chair reached out and grabbed my shirt.

“Mrs. Smith!” the principal scolded, “He’s under eighteen.”

“Oh.” She blushed.

“Aww, teacher wants to play with the student?” I smirked and blew her a kiss. She continued fanning. And Alec pulled me by the shirt out of the office.



WATCHING MY BROTHER stroll through the halls as girls literally stared and gaped — well it was like watching a lion strut around its cage and suddenly come to the conclusion that he was going to try and capture every damn female within his reach.

“Daaaamn.” Demetri’s eyes scanned the halls with interest. “High School girls be looking good.”

“Keep it in your pants,” I grumbled. Irritated that he wasn’t taking anything serious. But who was I kidding? I was the serious one. Not Demetri — hell he was happy enough for the both of us. If I lost control, then who would be his parent?

Control. I breathed in and out, counted my breaths, and started mentally singing the lyrics to one of my newest songs.

If all else failed I could go home and organize the fridge.


Wow. How awesome was I?

Too bad it was illegal to bring alcohol on school premises — then again I was starting rehab tomorrow, alcohol would probably be frowned upon.

My fingers itched at my sides as we slowly made our way down the hall to Homeroom.

I’d gone to school once.

I really had no idea what I was doing.

I’d been desperate. When your desperate you find yourself doing lots of things that make you want to ram your fist into the wall.

Demetri stopped and pulled out his phone to send a text while I kept walking.

A girl was a few feet ahead of me. Girls. Girls. Girls. Shit. I was so sick and tired of the female sex.

Her hair was really pretty, it kind of bounced when she walked, and I was kind of irritated that my eyes followed each bounce like I was getting hypnotized.

Her outfit wasn’t anything that made her stand out. Everything about what she was wearing was sporty and semi-plain. But damn that hair.

I picked up the pace a bit, following the dark blonde as she made her way towards the same room I was going to.

Suddenly, she let out a squeak as she tripped sending her messenger bag flying across the floor.

On instinct, I ran up to her and knelt down.

“Crap!” She huffed, her hand reaching out to grab her books just as mine covered it.

She jerked in response and looked up.

Mouth agape, her eyes widened just slightly before a pretty blush stained her cheeks.

I didn’t know what to say. For the first time in my nineteen years of living, I was speechless. I was a writer — it didn’t happen often. But my brain just suddenly stopped working. I tried to pull out words, phrases, sentences — even a smile would have been helpful.

But those eyes.

Those deep brown eyes.

It was the first time in years that I actually felt like someone saw me — not just the rockstar, but me. And I craved it — in a way I never thought I’d crave something.

The pull — to just collapse into her arms — a stranger’s arms, was so overwhelming it freaked me out. Was I that stressed? That strung out?

Her eyelashes fluttered a few times.

My breath hitched in my throat as I offered my hand and helped her to her feet.

I’d spent my teen years writing about that moment — when you touch a girl for the first time — when your fingertips graze her skin.

My words — hadn’t done it justice.

An electrical current made its way from her body into mine, almost bringing me to my knees.

Just as I was about to say something, I heard Demetri approach.

“Knocking girls off their feet already, hmm Alec?” He patted me on the back and flashed the girl one of his typical Demetri grins.

I felt sick.

Sick because I knew in that moment — she wasn’t for me. If he wanted her, I’d bow out. I’d do anything — short of committing murder — to get my little brother back, even if it meant that the one girl he wanted was the only one who’d been able to make me feel for years.

My heart hammered in my chest as she returned his grin.

Their eyes locked.

It was like drowning and knowing that nobody was going to offer you a life raft. I felt the blow like someone had punched me in the stomach.

“Um…” She took his hand and shook her head. “He didn’t knock me down, he was helping me. I tripped and…” her voice trailed off as she swallowed and rocked back on her feet.

Demetri’s head turned to the side; he was captivated and amused. I could tell. “No worries. Demetri, and your name?” He invaded her space, making it so that his chest almost brushed across hers.

“Natalee, but everyone just calls me Nat.” Her eyes flickered from Demetri to me, “It’s nice to meet you both.”

Hah. Riiight… More like it was nice to meet sunshine standing next to me. Pretty sure right now she thought I was evil incarnate. Maybe it was because I’d forgotten how to smile. But how the hell was I supposed to be excited about the fact that Demetri already had her in his hold — and she had no idea.

“Yeah well” — Demetri shrugged — “We’re new in town. I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of us.” He winked.

She smiled.

My heart ached so I looked away, feeling a bit pissed at the whole way things were going down but unable to do anything to stop it.