“No. Yelena is in the holding cells at the Fulgor security headquarters.”

Valek stilled. “For a very good reason. Right?”

“To keep her safe.”

“That’s extreme.”

Devlen sighed. “Did Yelena message you about her magic?”

A cold mist of fear settled on Valek. “No. What about her magic?”

As Devlen filled him in on Yelena’s predicament, Valek employed every ounce of self-control not to interrupt. His emotions cycled from fear and worry to fury that she hadn’t confided in him and then back through them all again at least twice more.

“...understand why Leif had her placed in protective custody?” Devlen asked.

“Yes.” Valek was halfway to the door before he realized he’d even stood up. “Come on. She won’t be locked in there for long.” And she was a sitting duck. The Mosquito would be stupid not to use that golden opportunity to make another attempt to assassinate her. Irys’s message about Yelena being vulnerable and the rumors Arbon heard made more sense now. He understood why Irys had been vague. She’d probably assumed Yelena had told Valek about losing her magic.

“Where are we going?” Devlen asked.

“To find Ari and then to Fulgor.”


“What about Reema? According to Yelena, they threatened her life, too.”

“That’s why we need Ari.”

He found them in the war room. As expected, Reema stared, mesmerized, at the tall stained-glass windows that ringed the round room.

She squealed when she spotted Devlen at the threshold. “Daddy! You have to see this! It’s fantastic!” Reema grabbed his arm and pulled him inside.

Valek gestured Ari into the hallway. He explained what was going on. “Devlen and I are going to Fulgor. You—”

“Are coming, too.” Ari crossed his massive arms.

“No. You are going to protect Reema. I don’t trust anyone else.”

“Why not leave Devlen here to babysit her?” Ari demanded.

“He’s Sitian and he’s friends with Fulgor’s security forces.”

“What about the mission to the Soul Mountains?”

Ah hell. Valek had forgotten about it. He’d have to rearrange a number of things. Plus Kiki needed time to rest. She wouldn’t let him leave without her. “I’ll rendezvous with the teams in the foothills. They’ll be on foot, while I’ll have Onyx. Can you get Devlen something to eat and find him a place to catch a few hours of sleep?”

“Yes, sir.” Ari frowned. “Where should Reema stay while she’s here?”

“With you. Don’t let her out of your sight.”

“Wonderful.” Ari’s sarcastic tone sounded just like Janco’s.

“She’ll surprise you. Reema’s a smart little scamp.” Valek paused. “She reminds me of Yelena at times. They both had difficult childhoods, yet instead of breaking them, it made them stronger. Think of this not as babysitting duty, but encouraging a future recruit.”

“Opal won’t like that.”

Valek grinned. “Opal doesn’t have to know.”

He left Ari to take care of their visitors while Valek rushed around and updated his team members on the new timeline and rendezvous point. Hopefully, he’d find Yelena, convince her to come with him and then figure out how to return her magic. The Commander would probably not be pleased with Valek’s detour, but he didn’t care. Nor did Valek plan to inform him of his change in itinerary. As long as Valek completed his mission and stopped the smugglers, the Commander would be happy.

* * *

A couple of hours after the sun set, Valek and Devlen mounted Onyx and Kiki and headed southeast through the Snake Forest. With Kiki in the lead, they kept a fast pace and only stopped to feed and rest the horses. As they traveled, Valek searched his memory for a name of a substance or poison that would block a magician’s power. Other than Curare, nothing came to mind.

They crossed the Sitian border without encountering a single guard. No surprise. Kiki had an uncanny knack for avoiding the patrols, just like she knew the shortest route to any destination in Sitia and Ixia.

When Kiki veered to the right during their second day on the road, Valek thought she might be overtired. But she cut through the trees and onto another path. Kiki slowed as a wagon appeared, traveling toward them. Odd.

One person drove the team of horses. The driver’s hood had been pulled down, hiding his or her face. Yanking on the reins, the driver stopped the wagon.

“What are you doing here?” the driver asked.

“I could ask you the same thing, Maren,” Valek said.

“I’m returning from a mission for the Commander.”

“What’s in the wagon?”

“It’s classified.”

Valek bit down on a harsh reply. Nothing should be classified for him. But Devlen was with him.

“Are you out here for business or pleasure?” Maren glanced at Kiki.

“We’re investigating a smuggling operation.”

“Then you want to head east to Lapeer. The smugglers have dug a tunnel under the border into Sitia a couple miles straight north of the town.”

“How did—”

“I was undercover with them, but it got too hot for me, so I bugged out. But don’t worry. Janco’s there with some chick, and Yelena is sniffing around, too.”

Valek tightened his grip on the reins. Why hadn’t the Commander informed him of Maren’s whereabouts? She had critical information about the smugglers. He kept his tone neutral as he thanked Maren for the intel.