Tariq reached for her hand as the three siblings arrived. “I’d like you to meet Charlotte and Genevieve, Charlotte’s good friend. You’ve already met Lourdes this evening. Danny, did you eat? I sent dinner for the four of you, but Bella said she didn’t eat.” Tariq’s voice was man-to-man.

Clearly Tariq regarded Danny as the head of his family. The boy was fifteen years old, the girls younger, so Charlotte was going to give Tariq that for the moment, but why were they living in a house by themselves? Why weren’t they in the main house with Tariq? They were too young to be without supervision. She was going to address that as soon as possible. It wasn’t even legal.

“It’s been difficult to get Bella to eat anything at all, Tariq,” Danny said, rubbing his thumb across his forehead in a gesture of distress. “She’s been so quiet, and she’s still having very bad dreams.”

“Not as many,” Amelia added hastily when Tariq frowned. She was fourteen. “But it’s only been a couple of weeks. I’m surprised with everything she went through that she’s not having more.”

Tariq turned to Liv. The child was ten, and she was deathly pale. Her eyes were sunken in and she had both arms as well as part of her torso swathed in gauze. She looked terrified. Tariq reached down and slowly extended his hand toward her face. Her eyes widened and her body shuddered.

“I’m just going to touch you, csecsemõ, just your face. You will feel better. Remember my touch, Liv? It makes you feel better and chases the nightmares away.”

She nodded but didn’t take her eyes from him, her entire body shuddering, much like a wild animal cornered and ready to fight – or flee. Charlotte wanted to gather her into her arms and hold her close. Clearly the child had been terribly traumatized. Charlotte looked at Danny. The look in his eyes was far too old for a boy his age. He wasn’t jumping around with pent-up energy, or cracking jokes; he was watching his younger sister with an expression close to tears.

She turned her attention to Amelia. She also was not an ordinary young teen. She was very subdued and far too much the mother, hovering close to her younger sister while keeping an eye on Bella, who was still on Tariq’s shoulder.

Fascinated, Charlotte watched Tariq’s hand cup the side of Liv’s face, featherlight. A gentle caress. At the same time, he closed his eyes and went very still. She could almost feel the heat emanating from him, moving through his body and into Liv’s. She visibly relaxed. Some of the terrible tension drained out of her face. Her body stopped shuddering and stood still beneath his touch. Clearly Tariq’s gift was far greater than he’d made it out to be. He had a way of bringing peace and healing to those needing it, and these children clearly did.

Charlotte found it telling that the children, even Bella, made no sound while Tariq’s hand was on Liv. Even Lourdes fell silent, something that rarely happened. Genevieve watched from a short distance away, not moving or speaking. It was as if Tariq had them all under his spell – and it was spellbinding to watch him work his healing magic.

She fell harder for him in that moment. It was the way he was so gentle when he touched the children or spoke to them. It was the way he crouched down in front of Bella and Lourdes when he talked to them. The way he showed patience for and interest in everything the two little girls had to say. She admired the way he spoke to Danny, making him feel as if he was on the same level. Watching over the family together.


“Better, csitri?”

Liv nodded. “It doesn’t burn as much.”

“Are you sleeping at all?”

Charlotte loved the complete focus he gave the child, and more, she loved that the other children clearly were happy with her getting his complete attention. There didn’t seem to be jealousy or any vying for Tariq’s attention.

“A little. I read. Thank you for the iPad. It helps when I can’t sleep. I read the books you put on there for me.”

“Good girl. I do want you to sleep, though, so we’re going to have another healing session. I am going to bring in a counselor, someone for you to talk to…”

Liv gasped and shook her head, stepping back. “No. No, Tariq. I don’t want to talk to anyone else. Just you. Only you. I can’t talk about it unless you’re there to make it all go away.”

Charlotte’s heart turned over. Clearly the trauma was very, very bad. The child needed help, but she didn’t think pressuring her was the way to go. She’s terrified, Tariq. Don’t make her go yet. She needs you to be her rock until she can get some relief.

She won’t get relief without talking to a professional.

What happened to her?

Fridrick and his friends happened to her. They had Amelia, Liv and Bella. They were holding them underground and experimenting, torturing them. They weren’t the only ones. One of my friends had been taken prisoner as well. I cannot begin to describe the horror they’ve been through.

Instinctively she knew that was why the children were with him and not in other foster homes. Most likely they would have been separated, and no one else was going to understand what they’d gone through.

How can I help?

“Liv, this is Lourdes’s aunt Charlotte. Like you, she has had a brush with a killer. He took her brother, Lourdes’s father, and a friend. Genevieve” – he indicated Charlotte’s friend – “lost her grandmother and a boyfriend. It isn’t the same, but they know how bad it can be. Charlotte, Genevieve and Lourdes will be staying with us.”

Liv was silent for what seemed a very long moment and then her lashes lifted and she looked Charlotte directly in the eyes. “It’s safe here. He makes it safe.” She stepped closer to Tariq and wrapped her arm around his leg. He can help you sleep, and he’ll help Lourdes. Bella’s nightmares aren’t as bad.”

As Liv circled Tariq’s leg with her arm, Danny and Amelia gasped.

It is the first time she has voluntarily touched me herself. It is a good sign.

Poor baby. You are going to have to tell me exactly what happened to her. My friend Grace actually has studied to be a child psychologist. She chose not to stay, but it’s possible she would come back if I asked.

“But she isn’t eating,” Charlotte said gently, keeping the attention on Liv. She was instantly worried about her. Something in her eyes made Charlotte afraid for her. She was only ten, but she looked as if she’d seen too much and didn’t want to see anything else ever again. “Are you?” Charlotte hadn’t eaten that evening, either, and the thought of food made her stomach churn. She pressed her hand in deep and breathed away the nausea.