"Never seen anyone who needed more of a kick in the ass than these two," he mumbles.


We reach the pool area in time to see Katya punch Brianna. Teetering dangerously, Brianna nonetheless has the sense to snatch Katya before she topples backwards into the pool. They splash into it. Seconds later, they surface and continue fighting.

I never should've taught her to punch. This girl has some serious issues, and I'm not at all certain she'll listen to anyone about going to counseling.

Riley and I pause poolside. He squats and watches the two trying to kill each other.

"Thirty seconds?" he asks, glancing up at me.

"Should be enough to wear them down." We've been through drown proofing a million times, so we know about how far we can push ourselves as well as newbies, before there's a real danger of death.

Katya, can you let anything go? Though I'm starting to think there might be a reason for her anger towards Brianna. The comment the first day about scars and short-sleeved polos makes more sense, given what I know of how self-conscious Katya is about her back. Still, it seems really … childish to be fighting over something like that.

With Katya, there's no real way of knowing.

"You want help?" Carson asks as he joins us.


"Nah. We got it," Riley responds.

Coughing, cursing and thrashing, the two women are a little more determined than I expect two civilians with no sense to act. They slow as they struggle, the drag of the water taking a toll on both. Both have tried to drag each other under.

I glance at my watch.

"Thirty," I report.

Riley dives in, and I push off my shoes before following his lead. As the token Marine and SEAL on the team, we're more accustomed to water drills than the others. A swimmer by birth, I feel in my natural state in the water and can hold my breath long enough to outlast everyone in any class I've been in.

I open my eyes underwater and swim the few strokes between Katya and me then emerge behind her.

Riley is waiting behind Brianna. At my nod, he snatches her while I grab Katya haul her away.

Katya shoves at me.

"Stop!" I snap.

She mutters something but goes limp. I drag her to the side of the pool and haul myself out before I pull her out with me. She's panting and rests back against my chest. I raise one leg to help prop her up. Brianna is pushing Riley away across the pool. She staggers to her feet, shoots a furious glare in our direction and marches away.

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