Mandy gestured to him. "This is my son, Colton. Colton this is Dorie and Derek Turner, Kip's parents."

Colton raised his hand and mumbled, "Hello." Mandy wasn't sure whether she should forced him to shake hands and say a proper hello or just let it go. Kip saved her. "We're all just taking it easy today." He pulled Mandy as he moved to the sofa to sit next to Colton. He pulled Mandy down next to him and put his arm around her.

"Until we head to the Dome," Corey put in. "Then it's nothing but business." He winked at Mandy who shook her head. "So, tell us about what Kip was like as a kid? Mandy's filled us in on the teen years, but really, was he as much as smart ass as he was back then?"

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