At 2 PM there was a knock on the door. Kip was in the middle of a racing game against Corey, so he barely glanced over his shoulder at Mandy. "Can you get that babe?"

Mandy rolled her eyes. "No problem." She skipped to the door, wondering who else was going to be joining them this afternoon. She stopped short in the middle of cheery, "Who's here now?" It was Kip's parents. They looked as shocked as she was, although Mandy was certain they were equally aware of the coinciding visit.

"Hi Mrs. Turner, Mr. Turner. How are you?" Mandy felt like she was sixteen again, meeting his parents for the first time. It had been nearly fourteen years since she'd seen them last. She held the door open to them.

"Mandy, dear. Good to see you," Dorie Turner said.

Mandy went up the two steps to where she could see into the living room. "Kip, your parents are here," she said, tersely. She wasn't sure how his parents felt about the renewed relationship. What she couldn't figure out is why she cared so much why they cared? Wasn't she too old to care?

"Oh right." He paused the game and jumped around the corner. "Hey guys. How was the trip?"

He pulled Mandy to his side.

Kip's father, Derek, recovered first. "It was a long drive. But we checked into the hotel and here we are. How much time until game?"

Dorie turned to her husband, hands on hips. "Don't talk about it. You'll make him nervous. How's that a way to greet your son anyway?" She came up the stairs to stand beside him.

"Hi Mom," Kip said, letting go of Mandy to give the older woman a hug.


Mandy was unsure what to say as she stood there. There was a moment of awkward silence. Mandy was aware of Doug and Corey and Colton staring at the scene behind them. "Come in," Mandy finally said. "Find a seat. These guys will move."

Dorie looked at Kip and then Mandy. Kip smiled at Mandy. "Yeah come on. We're just hanging out. This is Corey Porter. And Doug Black. This is my mom, Dorie and dad, Derek."

There was handshaking. Corey managed to remain respectful which Mandy found amusing. Then she was thrust forward by Kip's next words. "So, you remember Mandy."

"Of course we do. Glad to see her. And, Mandy, I'll ..." All eyes were on Mandy. She looked for Colton who was sitting on the sofa in hopes of going unnoticed she guessed.

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