Becky stepped out from behind the curtain, her wild curls tamed into a sleek fall of light brown hair that reached down to her waist. One white calla lily was tucked behind her ear. She smiled at Simon and winked before taking her place as maid of honor. Sarah turned to find Simon staring at Becky with something akin to adoration.

The music changed and Sarah turned. She heard the gasps of the guests and smiled, her eyes darting to see the stunned look on Max’s face.

The Curana looked like a queen in her gown. Strapless, simple, the embroidered, bold stripe of color at the neckline of the dress drew back into a long colored and embroidered train the same color as the bridesmaids’ dresses. An enlarged version of the embroidered band circled the bottom of the dress. The rest of the dress was ivory, as was the embroidery itself. A small gold and citrine tiara rested on top of curled hair that had been styled half up, half down, one dark curl resting on her creamy shoulder. Her jewelry was a simple necklace of gold and citrines with matching earrings. Her bouquet was a more elaborate version of her bridesmaids’, the color matching their dresses. Her father walked proudly beside her, a king giving away his princess.

“Holy fuck.” Max winced when Reverend Glaston reached out and smacked him gently upside the head, much to the amusement of the guests. Emma merely winked, her expression full of laughter.

The rest of the wedding went off without a hitch, both Max and Emma expressing their love for each other in clear voices, but Sarah barely heard it. Her gaze was drawn again and again to her mate, not surprised to find his never left her. She had to resist the urge to play with the diamond engagement ring he’d given her a few days before. He hadn’t given her a chance to say no. She’d woken up to find it already on her finger, his purring contentment humming through her. She’d been wearing it ever since.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Sarah blinked and turned back to the ceremony to find Max tugging Emma into his arms.

“Max, wait for me to say it first, please.” The reverend was looking over his glasses at Max, who just grinned and shrugged. “Max?”

“Hmm?” Max was staring down into the glowing eyes of his mate.

The reverend nodded. “You may kiss the bride.”

Max bent down and kissed Emma reverently.


Sarah felt tears start up, the beauty of the moment, the love of the Pride and the newly married couple so full and sweet she couldn’t contain it.

But over it all, she felt the love of her mate, her Gabriel, and all was right again. She blew him a kiss, not surprised when his eyes sparkled with gold.

Yup, all was right with her world.

The reception was a blast. Max and Emma had chosen Cinderella’s Castle Courtyard for the reception, a classy, elegant venue with a dash of fun that matched them to a T. The only dark spot was a small fight between Chloe and Jim, but only a soft, whispered word in Jim’s ear had been needed to stop the fight from going much further.

Strangely enough, the Pride seemed much more accepting of Belle now that she was no longer a member. Marie Howard even shook Belle’s hand, something Sarah would never have expected, although the lingering distaste Sarah could sense was carefully hidden behind Marie’s social mask. Belle accepted the gesture graciously, but Sarah knew the Luna would never trust Marie again.

Sarah stood in the shadows, watching Chloe dance with a dark-haired man, and sighed. She was going to have to get used to that sight. Gabe might have explained that Chloe was no more than a friend to him, but it would take time before she was completely over the feelings she got when she saw the two of them together. Oh, she trusted Gabe. His love surrounded her constantly, as if he was consciously wrapping her up in it, never allowing her to forget who she belonged to. Still, it hurt deep inside to watch them together, despite all of Gabe’s reassurances. She had the feeling that only time, and a steady diet of Gabe’s brand of loving, would make those sensations go away completely.

And one thing she could think of to do to help that along was to see to it that Jim and Chloe got together. Maybe watching the Fox claim her reluctant mate would finally bury the jealousy she felt towards her once and for all.


Sarah turned to smile up at Rick, surprised the Wolf had sought her out. It wasn’t that she and Rick hadn’t spoken before. She’d actually done what she could to make sure he knew how bad things had gotten for Belle before he whisked her off to the Poconos. She gave him a silly, exaggerated bow. “Your Alphaness.”

He snorted. “Cute.” He nodded towards Gabe and Chloe. “You have nothing to worry about, you know.”

Sarah stared at him, shocked. “Um, okay?”

His lips twisted. “He’s not into Chloe that way.” His entire face relaxed as his gaze came to rest on Belle. “He looks at you the way I look at Belle.” Rick grinned down at Sarah. “Trust me, the only thing on his mind right now is how quickly he can get you back to your room and get you naked.”

Sarah blushed. “Are you sure about that?”

“More sure than I want to be, trust me.” He took a sip of his wine with a grimace. “I…can hear him.”

Sarah blinked. “You mean…?”

Rick nodded. “Not sure what exactly that means, but yeah.”

Sarah was fascinated. Belle had told her about Rick’s psychic connection with the rest of his Pack. She never thought it could extend outside of it. “Can you hear anyone else?”

“You, Sheri, Adrian, Max, Emma, Becky, Simon… Do you people think of anything other than fucking, by the way? And they call us dogs.”

Sarah nearly choked on her wine. “What about the rest of the Pride?”

He frowned. She could just about feel the force of his thoughts roaming the party. “Faintly, but they’re there. If I was far enough away I doubt I’d hear them at all.”

“Do you think it has something to do with Belle?”

All of that energy suddenly focused on the Luna, who tossed a sultry look over her shoulder at the Alpha Wolf before returning to her conversation with Emma. “More than likely. She’s the first Puma Luna, after all. For all I know our kids will be Wolves with retractable claws.”

“And amazing psychic powers?”

Rick shrugged. “If it’s meant to be.” He grinned at something he saw over Sarah’s much-shorter head.

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