He bent to her, determined to drink from that happiness and never let it go.

It was two-thirty in the morning, but Gabe couldn’t sleep. He breathed in deep, the scent of his mate surrounding him. Her salty skin was under his tongue. Her heated ass nestled against his groin. And she’d trusted him enough to fall asleep.

Or at least he hoped it was trust, and not sleepy fucked-out exhaustion. Well, okay, I could live with fucked-out exhaustion. He smirked, listening to her even breathing.

It was a heady feeling, holding her in his arms while awake. What was even headier was the knowledge that, even though she could take him down with a thought, render him helpless and begging and crying like a wimp, she’d allowed him to dominate her. And he wasn’t going to even try and fool himself on that one, either. If she’d wished to she could have stopped him cold at any point. His mate was a lot stronger than he’d dared give her credit for. Just one day of watching her with Jim had proven it beyond a doubt.

If he’d had to go through months of that, he’d have wound up insane, or a murderer. Or both. The sex they’d had earlier just cemented it. She’d taken him, pulled him into her, held tight and given him the ride of his fucking life.

Thank God she hadn’t given up on him. Because she could have. She had the strength to walk away and never looked back. And it would have been his own God damn fault for listening to the fucking Bear instead of his own instincts.

He shuddered at the thought of living without Sarah. What had he been thinking, holding off on the mating? He’d been so busy protecting her from their separation that he’d failed to see what it would do to her.

In the end he’d nearly destroyed them both, and for what?

Well, he was determined now that Sarah would never have any doubts about exactly how much he wanted her. Needed her.

He knew that, at certain times, he’d have to bow down to her. She was the Omega. He was merely the Marshall’s Second. He rolled over onto his back, pulling the covers over them both before settling down, arms over his head. He stared at the ceiling, trying to determine exactly how he felt about that. The more he thought about it, the more the lack of anxiety was a relief. He’d have no problems with it. He might be the dominant partner in their physical relationship but when it came to the Pride she outranked him. If needed, he would bow down happily, knowing his baby would be back in his bed and begging for him, if she didn’t have him begging first.

He couldn’t keep the grin off his face. He didn’t want a doormat for a spouse, and Fate had seen to it he hadn’t gotten one. Sarah had proven to him, and to herself, that she was strong enough to hold him off, but also strong enough to let herself go for him.


He blinked. Damn. He tried to hold back his groan but some slipped past. He’d forgotten to give her the ring he’d bought for her for Christmas. He’d have to give it to her first thing in the morning. Maybe he’d take her to France in Epcot for breakfast and feed her beignets before asking her to marry him. He hoped she liked the simple, square-cut diamond set in yellow gold he’d gotten her.

He closed his eyes and allowed sleep to wash over him. He wasn’t surprised when he met Sarah in his dream.

She was everything he ever wanted to dream of, and more.


Emma was pacing behind the curtain, her lip between her teeth, her brown eyes wild. “Are you sure I look all right?”

Sarah squelched the urge to use her powers to soothe Emma. Right then the bride-to-be was so dense with anxiety that anything Sarah threw at her would just bounce off unless Sarah really exerted herself.

Sarah was still so new at this she was afraid she’d make Emma too relaxed and the Curana would have to be carried down the aisle. “You look great, Emma.”

“Trust me. You look wonderful.” Sheri hugged Emma, careful of the Curana’s carefully arranged hair.

“Thanks. I think.” Emma bit her lip. “Where’s Becky?”

“She went to use the litter box.” Belle grinned, leaning against the wall. Sarah was pretty sure Belle’s hip was bothering her but the Luna had refused to use her cane, saying it clashed with her outfit.

Sarah was also pretty sure Rick would have something to say about that later, when the two of them were alone. He’d already been back twice to check on Belle, earning a snarl from his Luna. She’d muttered something about an air horn, but Rick hadn’t seemed intimidated in the least.

Becky was just coming back from her trip to the ladies’ room when Emma’s very human wedding planner bustled in. “All right, ladies, it’s almost time. Is everyone ready?”

Emma gulped. “Yes.” She breathed in deep, then blew it out again. “I’m fine.”

She wasn’t, but Sarah wasn’t about to say anything. Emma was practically vibrating with anxiety.

Emma’s father came into the room, his salt-and-pepper hair gleaming. “You look wonderful, sweetheart.” He placed a soft kiss on his daughter’s cheeks, his eyes shining with pride. It was easy to see where Emma got her looks from. “Your mother wanted me to tell you that Max looks very handsome.”

Emma visibly relaxed, the sensation sweeping into Sarah, nearly knocking her off her feet. Emma felt everything so intensely it constantly threw Sarah for a loop. “Really?”

“Really.” He put Emma’s arm through his own and turned to the wedding planner. “Are we ready?”

The music swelled, the planner shushing them all and lining them up. Sarah watched as the wedding planner counted down. “Now,” the woman hissed, shooing Sarah down the aisle.

She walked, holding her small bouquet of ivory calla lilies in front of her. Her fuchsia-colored gown swished around her ankles, the simple shape a perfect match for Emma’s more non-traditional gown. She had to admit the color looked stunning, and the simple strapless A-line dress was perfect for all of their shapes and sizes.

She took her place in the gazebo in front of the altar, her eyes automatically drifting past all of the other men to her man. Gabe looked incredibly hot in his black tux and dark gold vest. He blew her a kiss, smiling at her when she blushed.

Next came Belle, the blonde Luna making her stately way down the aisle. Rick damn near growled at the sight of her limping, but he remained in place behind Max and Simon, earning himself a sweet smile.

Sheri glided out, the fuchsia of her dress startling against her alabaster skin and white blonde hair. Her sensitive eyes were covered by her white sunglasses. A soft smile graced her lips as she took her place in front of Belle.

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