“What? Why?”

“You just disappeared.” His eyes burned into mine.


“Yes.” He gave me a small smile. “I was worried you had disappeared or fell into a hole or something.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you were.”

“She’s fine.” Alice stepped forward with a frown and glared at Xander. “There’s no need to worry.”

“Okay.” He looked at Alice and back at me and I knew he was wondering why she was being so cold. To be honest, I was surprised as well. I’d never seen Alice look at someone like that before.

“Let’s go and wait by the car.” Alice grabbed my arm and we walked away from Xander. I could feel him watching us as we walked away.

“What was all that about?” I asked her with a side look.

“I don’t like him.” She made a face. “He shouldn’t be playing you and your sister. He’s a dick. I don’t like him trying to rile you up.”


“Yeah, I don’t know what game he’s playing at.” I nodded.

“Just stay away from him.” She looked at me as we reached the car. “He thinks he can have his cake and eat it too, I think not. I mean he was cool for a wedding hookup, but you deserve more than the crap he’s dishing out right now.”

“Yeah, I can’t believe I just had sex with him again.”

“You what?” Alice’s jaw dropped.

“Yup.” I nodded with a red face.

“Where?” She shook her head and looked around.

“In the restroom.” I whispered.

“I’m not even going to ask.” She giggled. “Oh Liv.”

“What?” I groaned and buried my face in my hands. “I suck, don’t I?”

“I don’t know. Did you?” She giggled again and wiggled her eyebrows.

“No, I did not suck him off in the bathroom.” I laughed. “And no he didn’t get a chance to use his miracle tongue either.”

“Just his miracle dick?”

“Alice.” I bit my lower lip and groaned again. “Shit, it was so hot. So hot and so bad.”

“That’s because bad is always hot.” She looked around before speaking again. “Was it as good as last time?”

“It was even better.” I wailed. “Why, why, why? Why did this have to happen to me?”

“It’s not your fault.”

“I always meet the shitty guys.”

“Yeah, but at least this guy is shitty and good in bed.”

“Or in the public restroom.” I laughed.

“I don’t understand why we can’t meet good guys.” She sighed. “What’s wrong with us? We’re good women. We’re pretty. Honest. Fun loving. Shit, if I was a lesbian I’d date both of us.”

“You’d date yourself?”

“Hell ya.” She grinned. “I’m pretty awesome.”

“That is true.”

“I just wish someone other than the two of us knew that.” She sighed and leaned back against the car. “What’s wrong with us Liv? Why do we always find ourselves in these messes?”

“What happened with you?” I asked softly. “I told you about me and Xander, but what happened with you just now?”

“I was flirting with the waiter to try and make Aiden jealous and well the waiter tried to kiss me and Aiden saw and gave me a look that made me feel like a tramp.”

“Oh Alice.” I sighed, glad that she hadn’t been flirting with Scott. Imagine if she had caused some sort of fist fight between them. That would have made my family a sideshow circus. Not that we weren’t already half way there.

“I know. I’m a mess.”

“We’re both messes.” I laughed.

“What are we going to do?”

“We need to forget about all of them. Let’s go out tonight and meet some new guys and have some fun.”

“You want to?” Alice didn’t look enthused about the idea.

“Yes! We don’t need them! We’re two hot girls. We need two hot men that will appreciate us.”

“I don’t know.” She made a face. “When we went out in college, we never had much luck.”

“That’s because we were nerds.” I giggled. “And we didn’t know how to play the game. We both played it safe and settled for losers. You dated Luke and now he’s married to Joanna, our ex-roommate. And I dated Justin and Evan and well, we both know how great they were.”

“Evan was addicted to his PlayStation.” Alice giggled.

“And my panties.” I shuddered. “And not in the sexy way either.”

“There’s a sexy way?” Alice looked at me curiously.

“Yeah, the steal and sniff sexy way.” I made a face. “Okay, that sounds perverted when I say it out loud, but that’s kinda sexy because you know you turn your man on. I mean, if you’re going to steal my panties, do it because you’re sniffing them or whacking off into them. Don’t do it because you want to wear them.”

“I wish I would have seen his face when you caught him in your black thong and red lipstick.”

“He ruined the lipstick as well. It was the Chanel tube as well. I spent $42 on that lipstick and he didn’t even replace it.”

“I dare say he stretched out the thong as well.” Alice giggled.

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