“You jerk.” My heart raced thunderously at his words. In that moment I hated both him and myself. “How dare you?”

“How dare I what?” He looked me up and down. “Leave my brother alone.”

“I’ll do what I want.”

“We’re just as bad as each other, Liv. You can’t act all high and mighty now. You just had sex with me in a bathroom stall while your sister waited outside. You know the score now and you still did it. I’m not the only pig in this bathroom.”

“How dare you?” I was close to tears. This was not how I’d expected this to go down, at all.

“I know you don’t understand my reasons for marrying Gabby, when I don’t love her.” He shrugged, his eyes burning into mine. “But that’s not for you to understand. Some of us know that love is the stupidest reason to get married.”


“I told you that I proposed to Gabby last week because I did something I regretted last weekend. You asked me if that was having sex with you.” His eyes were dark as he gazed at me. “And the answer is yes. I regretted fucking you last weekend. It was you that made me decided to propose to Gabby. Not because you’re her sister. I didn’t know that then.”

“What did I do then?”

“It doesn’t matter.” His face softened for a moment as he gazed into my face. “All that matters now is that I am engaged to her and you’re just going to have to deal with that.”


“I hate you.” I said, with my stomach rumbling in disappointment and rejection. What I really meant was that I hated both of us. I hated that I’d been so weak that I’d slept with him again.

“No you don’t.” He laughed as he turned around. “You just hate how I make you feel. You hate that you can’t control yourself when you’re around me. You hate that the feeling of me inside of you feels like you’re finally complete. You hate that your body belongs to me.”

“What?” My voice dropped. “Why would you say that?”

“Because that’s exactly how I feel as well.” He gave me one last glance and then exited the restroom, leaving me standing there in a daze.

Chapter Seven

“Where have you been?” Alice asked me as I walked out of the restaurant.

“You don’t want to know.” I made a face. “Where were you?”

“You don’t want to know either.” Alice made a face and we just stared at each other for a few seconds.

“Oh Alice. I’m so dead.”

“What did you do?”

“I was in the restr–”

“There you are.” Gabby rushed out of the restaurant. “I’ve been looking for you.” She gave me a disapproving look.

“I’m here. What do you want?” I asked her and looked at the side of her head. I was too embarrassed to look into her eyes. I didn’t want her to see my shame.

“I wanted to say sorry.” She bit down on her lower lip and I looked up at her in shock. Say what?

“Huh?” I looked at Alice who also looked like she was in disbelief.

“I wanted to apologize to both of you.” She sighed. “I’ve been a bitch and been rude to both of you.” She looked into my eyes and I was surprised to see a look of sincerity as she gazed at me. “I guess I’ve always been jealous of your friendship and I lashed out this morning. I shouldn’t have.”

“What?” I said and swallowed hard. Why did she have to choose today to change into a loving and changed big sister? Why did she have to choose the moment right after I’d betrayed her? Why oh why?

“I’ve been rude and mean.” She grabbed my hand. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things this morning or the other day.”

“I, uh, what brought this about?”

“I had a talk with Chett.” She said softly. “He knew about the baby before. And he knows it’s not Xanders.” She bit down on her lower lip. “I’m in a really lucky position to have found a man like Xander.”

“Oh?” I smiled weakly. Please do not say that you’re in love with him now. Please, please, please.

“He didn’t have to take on me and a baby that wasn’t his.” She nodded. “I know that, but I’m so grateful that he is—”

“I’m so excited for you.” Alice interrupted her and I was never more grateful to her than I was in that moment. I wasn’t sure I could stand there and listen to Gabby go on and on about Xander any more without throwing up. “You must be so excited to plan the wedding.”

“Yeah, I am.” Gabby nodded and sighed.

“Must feel nice to know that a handsome man like Xander wants to date someone like you?”

“What the fuck does that mean?” Gabby snapped and I froze at her tone. Alice and I looked at each other for a few seconds and I knew we were both thinking the same thing. Had Gabby really had a change of heart or had someone put her up to this?

“There you are.” Xander and Henry walked out of the restaurant and I avoided his glance as he looked my way. “Did you speak to your sister, Gabby?” Xander asked and I knew that he had put her up to her apology.

“Yes.” Gabby snapped and Alice and I smiled at each other.

“Good.” Xander walked over to me and tapped me on the shoulder. “You had us all worried.”

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