She slept most of that day and the next, and by Friday she was slept out. Feeling better than she had in months, she nagged the doctor to discharge her from the hospital.

He frowned at her over the rim of his thick glasses.

"If your fever stays down, I'll let you go home tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? I have chores to do and I can't afford this hospital bill, anyway."

He shrugged. "I understand you have friends doing your chores, and your hospital bill has already been paid through tomorrow, so stop worrying and complete your convalescence."

She sat up and stared at him. "Someone paid my hospital bill? Who?"

He shrugged again, writing something on her chart. "I don't know. I've been taking care of you since you were born. I was concerned that you would insist on checking out too early, so I stopped by the office to see what arrangements could be made for paying your bill. Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters. I need to know who to reimburse."

He tucked the pen in his pocket and returned the chart to the end of her bed. "Let me guess. You don't take charity. Anyway, I thought you didn't have the money for the bill. How are you going to pay them back?"


She rolled her eyes and dropped back on the pillow. "I didn't say that. I said I couldn't afford it. I have some money saved back for emergencies." She gave him a sour look. "I pay my own bills. If I was incapable, that would be different."

He lifted a silver brow. "The way you go on all the time, someone must have thought you were incapable." He winked. "Or maybe they wanted you to stay in the hospital a little longer so they could enjoy some peace and quiet while you're away."

"Very funny." She lifted her hand and the IV cord hung limply. "When do I get this umbilical cord removed?"

He shoved his hands into the pockets of his smock. "As soon as you start eating better."

She scowled at him. "I eat."

He smiled. "Sure, the nurses tell me you're not eating much of anything. Are you feeling poorly?"

"No." Her answer came swift and certain.

He laughed. "You're a terrible patient, you know that? We're all going to be glad to see you leave." His eyes were dancing with humor.

"And you have a lousy bedside manner," she grinned. "I promise to eat everything on my plate, warden."

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