Carmen blushed. "I wasn't dreaming about Alex. I just thought . . . well, it never occurred to me that Josh would do such a thing." Obviously Katie didn't know they had split up.

Katie laughed shortly. "But you thought Alex would come all this way to hang over your bed?" Her expression turned anxious. "Do you have something you want to tell me?"

Carmen knew her face must be scarlet. "I wasn't completely awake. I wasn't thinking right. Where is Josh now?"

"He went to get something to eat."

Carmen threw the sheets back. "I've got to get out of here. Who's taking care of the farm?"

Katie gave her an exasperated look. "Don't you ever think of anything but that farm? I took care of the goats this morning and Josh will take care of them tonight. We turned the chickens lose so they could fend for themselves. There's enough green stuff out there now and they're starting to lay again. Bill is helping out when he gets off work. We've got it all under control, so just relax and get well."

"I'm sorry. I hate putting you out this way." The import of Katie's words struck with a vengeance. "Josh? Josh is taking care of the goats?"

A tall lean figure stepped into the room and cool gray eyes surveyed her. "I've been running a farm all my life. Why is it so surprising that I can run yours? Goats have two spigots instead of four, but the milking machinery is basically the same." He dropped into the chair and slung a long leg over the arm.

"I never thought I'd hear you say that," she retorted dryly, and then realized she had nothing on but the thin hospital gown. She snatched the blanket and modestly drew it up to her chin.

Josh grinned. "So, how are you feeling?"


She smiled bravely. "I'm fine now. I'm ready to go home."

He laughed shortly. "You might as well settle down, Shorty. The doctor says you're going to be here for a few more days."

"But I can't ask you two to take care of my farm that long. Anyway, I simply can't afford it."

Josh shrugged. "Then you'd better start making funeral arrangements."

Leave it to Josh to be so callused. And yet, it had been Josh who had stood vigil beside her sick bed, not Alex. She wasn't being completely fair, though. What commitment had Alex made? Zilch. She was on her own. His silence was proof enough. It would be wise to flush him from her mind - day and night.

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