Alex pushed her aside and opened the door. "Carmen, I want you, and some day I'll have you. But not that way. I want you to come to me all sweet and willing - without dragging Josh along."

She stared after him as he strode down the path to the porch. Alex wanted her? What possible interest could he have in her? And wasn't he everything she had taken pains to avoid? He was a polished businessman who would be as disappointed in her rustic lifestyle as she would be with his lavish way of living. His idea of roughing it was probably a car without a navigational system. Her idea of selecting the right fork brought to mind the choice between a table fork and a pitchfork. No, Alex certainly didn't meet her requirements for husband material. Obviously there was a mutual physical attraction between them, but that was all. That physical attraction was responsible for the pounding of her heart right now. Or was it fear? No, a moment ago she had been startled by his uncharacteristic advance, but not frightened. Alex would never hurt her - for some reason she was certain of that fact. Sure, he had stepped over the line, but hadn't she invited him by encouraging his attention? In the kitchen after Josh left, and here now, when she had willingly danced with him. And hadn't she thrown Josh at him? Dragged him along, as Alex put it. He must have heard their conversation in the kitchen. How could he have missed it? Then he knew she lied when she said they were practically engaged.

Why did things always seem to work out this way? She and Josh had everything in common, yet there were no sparks. What did she and Alex have in common? Zilch. Yet his presence was electrifying - had been since the first day. Had he felt the same then? Had Katie been right . . . again?

But Katie had planned it this way. She had probably pumped Alex full of information about her. Misinformation, no doubt. Otherwise he wouldn't be interested at all.

She sighed as she trudged toward the house. The entire situation was ludicrous. The best thing she could do was put his impulsive statement out of her mind. No doubt Alex would, as soon as he got back to civilization - and sanity.

The next three days flew by without incident - probably because they were all too busy to start any mischief. The kids were taken off their mothers and the dairy was semi-operational. That meant milking morning and night, and bottle feeding the kids - all twenty-seven of them.

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