She gazed up at him, idly wondering when he was going to release her. They stood that way for a few moments and finally he gently pulled her toward him.

"Did I say I was going to miss you?" His voice was warm and husky.

She laughed softly, and gently pushed away from him. "Yes, and I didn't believe you then, either."

She could feel the blood pumping in her neck. Could he see it? She needed to put some distance between them.

"Why not?" He pulled her close again and leaned down, softly brushing her lips with his.

The effect was devastating. Her heart pounded wildly. What was he thinking of? She squirmed out of his arms.

"Stop it." The words didn't come out with the conviction she intended, and he reached for her again.

"Why? Didn't you like it?"

She dodged his hand. "You egotistical . . . jerk. What kind of girl do you think I am? What about Josh?"

He stopped, his expression growing wary again. "What about him? Are you two engaged?"


"Practically," she lied, dodging backwards and putting a stanchion between them.

He leaped up on the stanchion. "Then maybe it's time somebody let him know what it's going to take to keep a woman like you." He stepped off the stanchion and moved toward her.

She took a quick step back, glancing around for something to use as a weapon. "What do you mean, a woman like me?"

He chuckled softly. "Don't get your hackles up. I only meant you're special." He followed her.

She made a lunge and grabbed the broom, wielding the handle like a club. "Sure, I'm special. And don't you forget it."

Her voice was as crisp as the morning air and twice as sharp. Gone was the desire, replaced with genuine concern. Surely he wasn't going to attack her. Fueled by her own imagination, she took a swing at him with the broom.

His eyes flashed and one hand shot out, snatching the broom from her hands.

She screamed and darted for the door, but he caught her and pulled her close again. She turned her face away from him. Where was Katie?

"I won't forget it," he spoke softly against her neck, and then abruptly released her.

She staggered away from him and grabbed the doorknob. "From now on, I'll thank you to keep your hands to yourself." Was it fear or the heady feeling of his strong arms that left her shaken?

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