Josh swung, and Alex ducked. With lightning speed, Alex moved in close, jerking one of Josh's legs out from under him. Josh hit the floor with enough force to take the breath out of the average man. But Josh wasn't the average man. He rolled over, springing to his feet and lunged at Alex. Josh had the advantage of size, but Alex was faster. Alex feigned and then hooked Josh's leg again with the toe of his boot, sending Josh to the floor twice in as many minutes. Josh wasn't as fast to rise this time, and when he finally regained his footing, he shook his head. Alex watched him suspiciously when he lifted his hands in submission, but Josh moved around him and left the house.

Carmen let out her breath slowly. Josh was no stranger to a fistfight, and he was considered by many to be a formidable opponent. Josh didn't walk away because he was afraid to tackle Alex. Of that she was certain. Maybe Alex had knocked a little sense into him. She watched Alex with newfound respect. He was no dandy, and that was a fact.

Alex stared after Josh, obviously surprised by the unnecessary surrender. He took a deep breath and turned his attention to Carmen.

"Are you all right?"

She rubbed her neck. "I think so. I felt something pop in my neck, but I don't think it's serious."

He swore under his breath as he crossed the room to examine her neck.

"Maybe we should take you in to see a doctor."

"In this snow?" She twisted her neck. "You know, my headache is gone." She giggled nervously as his warm fingers touched her neck. "Maybe I should thank him."

"For what? Trying to break your neck?" He began massaging the stiff muscles. "Has he ever been violent like this before?"

He must think they were in an abusive relationship.


"No, and he wasn't trying to break my neck. He has a hot temper, but this is the first time he was ever anything but gentle with me. I shouldn't have provoked him."

"He wasn't so gentle this morning," he replied in a dry tone. "And don't make excuses for him."

His fingers left her neck, working down the muscles on either side of her spine. He didn't ask how she had provoked him. Had he heard their conversation? Maybe he figured it wasn't any of his business - or he didn't want to know. Probably the latter.

She closed her eyes, and in spite of the situation, his fingers slowly siphoned the tenseness from her back. And then his hands were on her waist, turning her to face him. She opened her eyes to find him gazing down at her. Her heart fluttered lightly as she met his gaze, and began to pound as his hands slid up her arms in a gentle caress. Her lips parted, but the command to remove his hands never escaped her mouth. He gently gripped her shoulders and leaned forward. Hypnotized by his somber gaze, she lifted her face to accept his affection.

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