He kicked his chair aside, his face growing red with anger.

"Carmen, I want to marry you in the worst way, but if you think I'm going to be the kind of man to stand back while my woman flirts with another man, you're sadly mistaken."

It was ludicrous. There was no hope for him. She picked up a coffee cup and met his cold gaze.

"Well, you said it. You want to marry me in the worst way. When I get married, I want it to be in the best way. I want mutual trust and love. I want a partner - someone I can work beside, not after."

He stared at her for a moment and then shook his head. "Don't do it, Carmen. He's a walk away Joe if I've ever seen one." He paused and his expression turned sour. "You'd better give it some thought, Shorty. When he's tired of playing house with you, I might not be available any more."

It was her turn to stare, and tears burned her eyes. They had saved themselves for each other and now he was telling her he didn't want her if she was tainted. He had no faith in her self-control; her moral commitment. What kind of person did he think she was? And who did he think he was? It was the final blow.

"Of all the hard headed, vain . . . OH!"

She slammed the coffee cup in the sink and the hot liquid splashed against the window. She pointed at the door with a trembling finger.

"Josh Reynolds, you can march your jealous carcass right out that door and don't you come back until you can talk to me like I'm a reasonably intelligent and decent person."

His face contorted in rage and one long step brought him close enough to grab her shoulders. He shook her so hard that her head throbbed.


"Don't issue orders to me like I'm a little boy. You hear me?"

For the first time she knew fear of him. He had always been hot headed, but violent anger had always been directed toward someone else - a man. Her neck popped, sending a shot of pain down her back.

"Josh," she cried frantically. "You're hurting me."

"Josh!" The masculine voice was sharp and commanding.

Josh released her and turned on Alex, who waited tensely in the kitchen doorway; hopelessly outmatched, but obviously determined. Even when Josh moved toward him with raised fists, Alex didn't falter. He reminded her of a Banty rooster facing it off with a big Leghorn.

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