"What is it?"

"We are suing your father's estate."

Laura sarcastically sneered. "What are we suing it for this time? Did Austin forget to pay the boarding fees for your precious greyhounds again? Or was it the country club dues? He is quite fond of forgetting those."

"What difference does it make? Just sign the papers."

"Poor darling, how it must grate on your very soul when Austin does these things. He does it on purpose you know."

"Oh, I know, and the first thing I intend to do is throw him out of the Gladstone Building."

"Darling, you know that won't be possible. Daddy loved Austin like a son. I am certain he made iron-clad provisions for him, just like he made for me." She opened her compact and took out her powder puff.

Teresa was being completely ignored, so she inched closer to the door, trying not to draw their attention.

"Don't forget," said Mathew, "the old man loved you, and he cut you out of the will completely."

"Yes, but he had no reason to do that to Austin. I can live quite nicely on my trust fund…once you are gone, that is."


"If we don't get the inheritance, I'll never be gone, Laura."

She finally turned to face him. "Still shocked that he didn't leave everything to me?"

"I am not stupid, Laura, I knew Nick wouldn't leave the money to you."

"Really? I didn't. I thought I would get at least some of it."

Mathew abruptly turned his hot glare on Teresa. Her eyes widened, she nodded and walked out the door. She closed it behind her, looked both ways down the hall to make sure neither the cook nor the chauffer were there, and stayed outside the door to listen.

"Sign the papers, Laura. You know I can't do this without your consent."

"Of course you can't, Darling." Laura ignored him and started to powder her nose. "I wish you hadn't sent Teresa away. I need her to help me dress for dinner."

Mathew tightly set his jaw. "Most adults can dress themselves, Laura."

"I know, but it is so much more fun when I have help." Intentionally, she put too much powder on her face.

"Laura, don't do that." He pulled a tissue out of the box, folded it, lifted her chin with his hand, and began to wipe the powder off. He paused for a moment to look at her closed eyes and her tempting parted lips, and then he wiped the last of it off. He released her and tossed the tissue in the wastebasket. "Are you going to sign the papers or not?"

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