"That was fast," Teresa muttered, as she hurried out of the room and headed downstairs.

The second Laura walked in the door; she went to the liquor cabinet, uncorked the decanter and poured herself a straight shot of vodka. She drank that one and poured another.

"Mr. Connelly didn't come back with you?" Teresa asked.

"He's still in the car on the phone with our lawyer. He'll be here in a minute."

"How did court go?"

Surprised by such a personal question, Laura ignored her maid, downed the second shot, set the glass on the bar and headed for the elevator. "I want to change clothes. Are you coming?"

"Yes, Mum." Teresa rushed into the elevator, rode to the second floor with her employer, walked down the hall behind her and closed the door as soon as both of them were in the bedroom. "What would you like to wear?"

"I don't know; something flowy and relaxing. Mathew is furious and I might as well be comfortable. He blames me, but then, he always does."

She desperately wanted to ask what Laura was being blamed for, but Teresa thought better of it and went to the closet to find something 'flowy.' She chose a long, multicolored silk over chiffon lounging dress, and laid it out on the bed. "Cook is making Beef Wellington for dinner."

Laura began to undress, handed her jacket, her blouse, and then her skirt to Teresa. "I doubt I'll be hungry, and don't tell me I should eat something."


"I won't. If you want to be falling-down drunk, that's up to you."

Laura softly giggled and let Teresa help her put the gown on. "When have I ever been falling-down drunk?"

"Never, so far, but I haven't been here long. I passed out in a loo once."

"You? I thought you were a teetotaler?"

"That was in my wild and frightful youth." Teresa took the red suit and blouse into the closet, and tossed them in the laundry basket.

"That long ago, was it? How old are you now?"

"Twenty-two and never been kissed. Well, not really kissed that is."

"I've been really kissed. Mathew was a good kisser in the beginning. Now he saves his kisses for…" Laura sat down at her dressing table and just seemed to drift off.

"What time would you like dinner? I'll tell the cook."

"You best ask Mathew when he comes home…if he comes in…if he stays home when he does…which I doubt."

When the door abruptly opened, Teresa involuntarily jumped.

Mathew's eyes were on fire with anger as he marched to Laura's dressing table, slapped a paper down and held a pen out to his wife. "Sign this!"

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