"Tell Abigail what, precisely?" McKenna asked.

"Tell her I discovered my wife and Mr. Graham shared a stateroom aboard ship, and…"

"You know?" McKenna gasped.

"I got it in a cablegram from the captain." Hannish took a deep breath and then continued; his voice rising as he spoke. "Tell Abigail that Olivia viciously hurt one of the servants, so I tricked her into leaving, cut off all her London accounts, and significantly lowered her allowance." He abruptly stood up. "Furthermore, tell her Olivia did not beg for a divorce and in fact, did not even broach the subject."

Hannish walked out the door and instantly started shouting. "Prescot, gather all the servants in the parlor -- now!" Behind him, McKenna and Sarah exchanged worried looks.


His employer's voice was so loud and angry, Prescot's eyes widened. Shepard came running, as did Keith, and the three of them went to round everyone up. They needn't have bothered, for everyone heard and rushed to the parlor."

Sassy hurried out of the kitchen behind Jessie and Halen, got to the parlor and went to stand near Prescot. "What is it?"

"I do not know," Prescot answered.

Just the same, Sassy made sure she was standing a little bit behind Prescot when Hannish came down the stairs. There was no mistaking the rage in his eyes and that was something Sassy had not seen before.

Hannish waited for his sister and Sarah to come down the stairs and then looked at each member of his household until his eyes met Charlotte's. "Charlotte is leaving us today."

"Mr. Hannish, you cannot…"

"Silence!" he yelled. His eyes bore into hers leaving no doubt in anyone's mind that the subject was not up for discussion. "You will pack your things, collect your pay and Prescot will take you to town. The rest of you, hear me well -- what is said in this house is not to be discussed with strangers. Is that clear?" He watched carefully until each of them nodded. "A private conversation overheard in my dining room or any other room in this house is not to be repeated. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Mr. Hannish," each of them said.

"Good. See that it never happens again. Prescot, call for the wagon - now!"

Prescot was already moving toward the back door when he said, "Yes, Sir."

"Shepard, come to the study to collect Charlotte's pay. I wish never to set eyes on her again." He marched to the study, opened the door, waited for the footman to pass through and then slammed it.

No one seemed able to move, especially Sassy who looked from face to face, to see if they were as surprised by what just happened as she was. With Prescot gone, she was not standing behind anyone, and she was not certain the upset was over. When she looked, McKenna nodded to her. "Shall we finish your hair now, miss?"

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