
Sassy was getting pretty good at fixing McKenna's hair in the mornings, with a little supervision still from Sarah. She had one side almost pinned up when she noticed how quiet McKenna was. She exchanged glances with Sarah and finally asked, "Are you ill, Miss McKenna?"

"Aye, Sassy, I am ill at heart. A dreadful thing has happened and I must tell my brother this morning, but I do not know how."

"Just tell him, Miss McKenna, 'tis the best way always."

At length, McKenna said, "You are right. Will you fetch him for me, Sassy?"


Sassy handed the brush to Sarah and hurried away. A short time later, she came back and not long after that, Hannish knocked on the door and entered. "You wish to see me?" The puppy ran to Sarah and begged to be let up.

"Come in, brother." McKenna noticed Sarah was about to leave and stopped her. "Sarah, you will need to hear this too. Sassy, go to the kitchen and…" She couldn't think of something fast enough and ended up saying, "ask Jessie how to make soup."

Incredulous, Sassy asked, "Cook soup? You wish me to cook soup for you?"

"You best scoot, Sassy," Sarah warned.

She did as she was told, muttering all the way down the hall. "Soup? 'Tis something very grave, if the Miss wants to eat my soup."

"Sister, what is it?" Hannish asked, not bothering to sit down.

By the time McKenna finished telling Hannish and Sarah what had happened, Hannish decided to sit down and Sarah was shaking her head in disgust. "I fear Abigail has had time to tell everyone in town by now."

"What precisely did Charlotte tell them?" Hannish asked.

"She told them you tricked Olivia into leaving by promising to join her in Scotland, and that you have no intention of going back."

"Did she say why I tricked Olivia into going back?"

"Nay, but she would have, if Abigail had not wanted to ask about something else."

Said Hannish, "Charlotte must have been listening when I talked to the Scots. I have no choice but to send her away. What do you say, Sarah, can you make due until I hire more help?"

Sarah nodded. "I can, but if you dismiss her, the gossip might become much worse."

McKenna agreed. "Still, 'tis obvious Charlotte fancies my brother. Sooner or later Hannish must reject her and she will say it then anyway. The harm is done and I fear there is nothing we can do about it."

Hannish rubbed the back of his neck, the way he always did when he was irritated. "There is something we can do. You can tell Abigail the truth and Charlotte will have nothing left to tell."

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