'Ha! Ha! Oh sod off, both of you!'


'How are you getting on with your class Eloise?'

Mrs Knight looked up and smiled. 'Very well, thank you George.'

The history teacher smiled. 'Good!'

'Yes, that boy, Martin Lewis, he's very bright.'

'Yes, his father has high hopes for him.'

She smiled. 'He seems a rather serious boy though, for his age.'

George laughed. ‘Í wouldn't complain too much about that if I were you, I mean, too often we're complaining that they're the opposite!'


'Oh come ON Lewis! It'll be fun!'

'No it won't and no I'm not coming, I don’t fancy standing around in the cold watching a ball being kicked around.'

'It might be a laugh!'

'Enjoy yourselves!'

The two boys looked at each other and shook their heads.

Martin sighed and stood up; I'll see you off the premises, how's that?' As they passed the classrooms, he suddenly noticed Mrs Knight. ‘I’ll catch you up' He said to the others and approached her. 'Mrs Knight?'

She looked up suddenly and gave him that winning smile. ‘All set for to-morrow?'


'Of course! Get some fresh air.'

He smiled. 'I admire your enthusiasm but I fear it's a lost cause, we haven't won in years.'

'Well let's hope we do this time. '


That evening, in the common room, Martin glanced up and reflected on the day's events, he couldn't seem to shake Mrs Knight from his mind, she was unlike anyone he had ever met, yet he knew these feelings were stupid and that there wasn't a hope in hell of her feeling the same way, maybe he could do with the fresh air.

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