'Oh come on old sport, cut them some slack, you remember what it was like.

'Yes! And you should be setting an example, we areprefects!'

'Alright! Alright!'

'Come on, we'll be late for what's her name.'

A few minutes later, they were sitting in the classroom, waiting, Martin felt a slight jolt of apprehension. Suddenly, the door opened.

'Brace yourself.' Gregory muttered.

'Good afternoon class, I'm Mrs Knight and I shall be your teacher and form tutor for the rest of the term.'

Martin stared at her, she was in her early fifties, tall and thin, she had eyes that seemed to sparkle.

'Martin Lewis?'


He was dimly aware of someone calling his name.

'Martin Lewis?'

He felt Gregory push him from behind. 'Oh, here Miss!' He ignored the giggles.


'What were you thinking about?' it was half-past five and they were in the prep room.

Martin loosened his tie. 'Nothing - just tired that's all.'

Robert grinned. 'You were thinking of her weren't you?'

'Who?' Martin looked alarmed, was he really that transparent?

'Nancy! I told you, you should ask her out.'

'I told you, I'm not interested!'

'You must have your eye on someone!'

Suddenly Robert looked up. 'Hey! You're not..?'

'What? No!'

'Then what's the problem?'

'No problem, I just haven't met the right girl yet.'

'Well let us know when you do so that we can plan your wedding!'

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