“Goodbye, Christian,” David said with as much dignity and strength as he could muster before leaving the studio, closing the door firmly. He didn’t slam it, which was something he was very proud of, because what he really wanted to do with rip the door off its hinges and hit Christian over the head with it. Instead, David hurried down the stairs and burst outside with a sense of bitter relief. Then he stopped and looked around, wondering what in the hell he should do.

Thankfully, David’s phone rang. He almost didn’t answer it because it might have been Christian, but he pulled it out of his pocket and saw Javier’s number. “Hello.” David was determined that he wasn’t going to blubber in any way.

“What’s wrong?” Javier asked frantically, and he continued before David could even ask how he knew. “What happened?”

“I’m on my way home,” David managed to say before his throat threatened to close and he couldn’t talk any more. He’d been fine until he tried to talk about it, and now everything seemed to be coming to the surface.

“I’ll be waiting for you,” Javier told him, and David began walking, shoving the phone in his pocket. The more distance he got between him and the studio, the more he was able to breathe and the more control he managed to build. Standing outside his apartment building, David lifted his eyes and looked up toward their windows. As he was starting to climb the stairs, the front door opened, and Javier burst out, engulfing him in a hug that stripped away most of the control he’d managed to put into place during the walk home.

Javier led him inside, and together they walked up the stairs and into their apartment, where Javier led him to the sofa and David collapsed onto it. David clung to Javier, his entire body shaking, but he was pretty proud that he didn’t break down into blubbery tears, at least not right away. “Tell me what happened,” Javier said softly, and David continued clinging to him, not quite ready to talk yet.

“He told me he’d wanted me since my interview,” David croaked before clamping his eyes closed as he tried to talk. “He said I was beautiful. He even took a picture of me that he said was the best he’d ever taken.” David rubbed his eyes, taking a deep breath to steady himself.

“What happened?” Javier asked. “I know you’re had feelings for him for a while and I won’t blame you for anything, I promise.”

“At least not today.” David forced a smirk but it faded quickly. “He…” David began, and his voice faltered. “I slept with Christian. I fell for his lines. He told me he cared for me and he said he’d wanted me the entire time he’d known me.” David stood and grabbed a tissue off the old end table before sitting back down. “I was a fool. He told me he cared about me, and I believed him.” David blew his nose before shoving the tissue into his pocket. “I can’t believe I fell for his crap after all I’ve seen him do.” David wiped his eyes.

“I’ve been waiting for this to happen,” Javier scoffed lightly. “You’ve been fascinated with him since you went to work there. “I always hoped you’d give it up and find someone else. You deserve someone who really loves you.” Javier pulled him into a tight hug. “It’ll be okay. You don’t have to go back there if you don’t want to.”

“But I work for him,” David muttered. “And I need a job. I can’t just quit, or we won’t be able to make the rent.” This was a disaster. He’d really messed up everything now.


“Don’t worry about anything. I’ll call Christian and tell him you won’t be in for a few days. And if he doesn’t understand, he and I will have words that begin with sexual harassment. That’ll put the fear of god into him, especially after the way he’s behaved.” Javier’s confidence sounded amazing to David. “Go on and lay down for a while if you want. I need to go get some things together. I won’t be gone long, I promise.” Javier gave him another hug, and David nodded before getting up and walking into their tiny bedroom, lying down on his twin bed. He could still feel where Christian had touched him, the soreness that should have felt wonderful now a sad reminder of his mistake.

Javier came in behind him, closing the curtains to darken the room. “These will help you relax.” Javier handed him a pill and a glass of water. “It’s just a Valium, but it’ll help you sleep.” David shook his head, and Javier set the pill and water on the nightstand. “I won’t be long.”

“You aren’t going to go see him, are you?” David asked, and Javier shook his head.

“I promise. I’d probably kill him if I did.” Javier actually growled, and David let himself smile a little. Javier really did care about him, and David was lucky to have a friend like that. “Get some rest and try not to think about ‘what’s-hisname.’ I’ll be back soon.” Javier actually leaned over his bed and kissed him on the forehead before leaving the room.

David listened as Javier left before lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. He knew he’d been a total fool. But he’d allowed himself to fall for Christian and he should have known that that was a recipe for getting his heart broken. Javier had told him, and deep down he’d probably had known it, too. He’d actually thought that he’d be different from all the other guys he’d seen Christian with. After all, he’d never told them he cared for them—Christian just fucked them. Closing his eyes, he tried to calm his raging thoughts, but his body wouldn’t settle one bit.

After a while, David gave up and got off the bed. Wandering the apartment for a few minutes—it was so small it didn’t take long—he flopped onto the sofa and turned on their old television.

Javier came in a while later carrying a grocery bag. “I got us everything you need to get over what’s his name.” Javier’s refusal to say Christian’s name made David smile. “Ice cream, a couple action flick DVDs, some popcorn,” Javier placed each item on the table, “and a huge container of chocolate milk. We’ll watch movies and eat until we settle into a good old-fashioned sugar coma.” Javier grabbed a couple of bowls and spoons before dishing up two huge portions. Then he placed a DVD in the player and settled on the sofa. David leaned against him, and Javier leaned back as they watched the beginning of the movie.

* * * * In the early morning, David approached the door to the studio. He’d stayed away for two days and hadn’t spoken to Christian. He’d left a message on his voice mail and that was all. The last two days, David had spent outdoors with his camera, snapping pictures of whatever caught his eye, eating from street vendors, sitting on a bench in Central Park, watching people. He’d taken hundreds of pictures but his heart hadn’t been in it because every time he stopped to think, his mind would travel here, to the studio, and to what had happened in Christian’s bed the last time they’d been together, the things Christian had said and done, the way Christian had made him feel. David knew he was being ridiculous, thinking about what Christian had said to get him into bed.

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